Chapter Two

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"Well hi!" Dory greeted the shark, unafraid by the fact that this dude was HUGE and FRIGHTENING. Sebrina and the other clownfish were TERRIFIED!
"Name's Bruce!" The shark gave out his large fin, in a handshake gesture as Sebrina and the male clownfish backed up in worry. The shark understood their issue. He backed away from them, not once hiding his wide grin away.
"It's alright! I understand. Why trust a SHAAARK right?" He turned away as if to leave only to zip right back up at them. With his teeth inches away from their faces, The male clownfish shouted in terror and hid behind Dory and Sebrina, which only caused the shark to laugh in pure joy. It seemed like he enjoyed teasing anything and anyone smaller than him and Sebrina realized this quickly. 

Once the shark stopped laughing, he looked back down at them.
"So... What's a couple of BITES like you doing outside so late, eh?" The shark asked them still grinning widely.
"Nothing. We're not doing anything! We're not even out." The terrified male clownfish quickly stated as he hid behind Dory while Sebrina bravely swam closer to the frightening predator.
"GREEAAT! Then how 'bout you morsels come to a little- a little GET together I'm having?" The shark stated smoothly yet the look on his face was telling Sebrina that he was inviting them to a party, and they were going to be the main course. Both clownfish weren't interested in the offer.
"You mean like a party?" Dory asked clearly not understanding that she is talking to a SHARK, who nodded his head in response.
"Yeah, yeah, right! A PARTY! Ha ha! Whaddya say?" He asked in sheer joy.
"Oh, I LOVE parties! That sounds like FUN!" Dory said excitedly, turning towards the other two for a positive response. Sebrina didn't like the looks of this at all and the other clownfish had more important matters to deal with.
"You know parties are fun...and it's tempting...but we can't because-" Sebrina explained and was interrupted when the shark swam behind them.
"Aw, come on! I insist!" He said as he pushed them with his giant fins.
"Oookay! That's all that matters!" Sebrina muttered as the other nervous clownfish looked over at her in utter confusion, wondering why Sebrina didn't seem as terrified as he was. Was he really the only sane fish here?!

Bruce swam right in the middle of a field of giant *balloons*
"Hey look! Balloons! It IS a party!" Dory pointed out happily. Bruce chuckled.
"Mind your distance though. Those 'balloons' can be a bit dodgy!"


"You wouldn't want one of THEM to pop!" The shark mumbled as he continued looking forward. Up ahead, everyone could see a broken down, sunken ship. The male clownfish was, Sebrina was getting tense the closer they got, and Dory seemed to be having a fun time. How could she enjoy this?!
"Anchor! Chum!" The shark called out for his friends. Two more sharks appeared out of a hole in the ship.
"There you are, Bruce! Finally!" The hammerhead shark complained.
"We've got company." Bruce grinned evilly. The two sharks started pushing each other around as if trying to get to the fish first.
"Well, It's about time mate!" Anchor continued, pushing his friend out of the way.
"We've already gone through the snacks and I'm still starving!" Chum shouted aloud, pushing Anchor right back. The male clownfish then realized they were trying to eat them! He started trying to back up but was still being pushed by Bruce's fin.
"We almost had a feeding frenzy!" Anchor explained.
"Come on! Let's get this over with!" Chum said. Anchor opened his mouth suddenly, looking like he was going to eat them.


A little bell rang and both clownfish opened their eyes slightly, realizing that all of them were inside the center of the ship, all aligned while Bruce stood up front to face them.
"Right then! The meeting has officially come to order! Let us all say the pledge." Bruce explained. He, Anchor, and Chum started saying their pledge and raised their fins high. Even Dory raised her fin to join the fun!

I am a nice shark

Not a mindless eating machine

If I am to change this image

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory/Finding Marlin/Finding Sebrinaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن