Finding Sebrina: Chapter One

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That same afternoon, Sebrina is seen searching for Jenny and Charlie. She wanted answers to what the strange voices were for. Were they telling her something? Were they warning her about something? Did she...have something to do with the familiar voices?
"Jenny? Charlie? Are you here?" Sebrina looked around. She checked the Drop-off, the Sandy beach school and then lastly their home.
"Ah! There you guys are! Hey, I need to talk to you two about...something." Sebrina finally found them beside their house as they turned to her.
"Is something on your mind, dear?" Charlie asked.
"You know, you can tell us anything-" Jenny agreed with her husband.
"I've been hearing familiar voices all week...I think they're calling for me. Who are my real parents? Where did I come from?...Who am I?..." Sebrina explained to them. Jenny and Charlie held a sad expression, knowing these questions would come up sooner or later.
"*Sigh* I knew this would come up sooner or later..." Charlie mumbled.
"Sebrina...I have the feeling we're gonna be explaining this to you for a while." Jenny mumbled as Sebrina listened closely.
"W-what is it?" Sebrina asked, a little nervous about what Jenny and Charlie were about to say to her.
"It all started back when you were just an egg...and please don't ask where the egg came from!" Charlie told her as she rolled her eyes in response.
"Charlie!" His wife slightly nudged him.
"What? I'm just letting her know." Charlie raised his fins in defense.

Two adult clownfish are now seen terrified as a giant net carried them and their eggs up to the surface.
"Okay okay, are they all here?" The male asked.
"345...346...347-*gasp* WHERE'S THE LAST EGG?!" The female panicked. Both parents looked down to see a small egg left on the blue pebbles down below in the Open Ocean exhibit.
"MY BABY!" The female shouted horrified.
"NO!!" The male shouted.
"Okay, let's take them in." A teenage man started putting the two parents and their eggs into a new tank and dragged it away.
Meanwhile, Jenny and Charlie suddenly came into view as they watched the desperate parents get carried away. They then looked down at the last egg and then at each other in worry.

"So...we took you in and took care of you like you were one of our own...and then a few years later we had Dory." Jenny finished the story to Sebrina.
Sebrina didn't say anything, she was in deep thought.
"I-I know this might be a little hard on you, Sebrina...but it's how it went." Charlie told her.
" there a way I can find them-?" Sebrina looked at them in question.
"No no no no no no absolutely not young lady." Both Jenny and Charlie declined.
"We don't want you getting in trouble too. We'd hate to see you get captured." Jenny told her.
"*Sigh* I was just wondering..." Sebrina sighed in defeat. Jenny turned around and swam away.
"Now, I'm gonna go find Dory. Charlie, you coming?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am!" Charlie told her not long before looking over at Sebrina.
"They were taken to a place called Orlando, Florida. Be back before dark." He winked as Sebrina smiled.
"Won't be too long." She smiled back. Charlie then went to follow his wife.
Sebrina took a deep confident breath and started on her way. Before she could get too far though, someone stood in front of her. Marlin held a serious expression as he crossed his fins.
"Oh! H-hi, Marlin..." Sebrina smiled sheepishly.
"Where do you think you're going?" Marlin asked her in a serious yet worried tone.
"Well, I was just going... sightseeing?" Sebrina tried her best to come up with a lie but Marlin went through it.
"Sebrina, it's gonna be dark soon. What's really going on? You're worrying me you know." Marlin explained.
Sebrina sighed and finally gave in.
"*Sigh* Alright. I've been hearing voices and-" Sebrina started.
"Voices?" Marlin asked.
"Yeah, they... sounded like my parents and my longest friend, Savannah. I...kinda sorta want to..." Sebrina trailed off in her sentence.
"Find them? Sebrina, you know that's not a safe thing to do." Marlin explained to her.
"I know, I know but-" Sebrina tried reasoning with him but he didn't listen.
"Come on, let's just go find Nemo and Dory-" Marlin started swimming off.
"If you'd just let me just find more answers, I'd be back before dark!" Sebrina told him once more.
"Come on, do we really have to do this again? I don't want to see you getting hurt!" Marlin reasoned with her.
Sebrina thought for a moment before finally giving in.
"*Sigh* Okay fine. Just...forget the whole thing. I'll be fine..." Sebrina started swimming over in the anemone.
"You sure?" Marlin asked her.
"Don't worry. Don't worry! I'll be fine!" Sebrina said in a more sarcastic tone.
Marlin sighed, turned around and was met face-to-face with Dory.
"Hi." She smiled delightfully.
"AAAGH!!" Marlin screamed.
"Hi Dad!" Nemo smiled next to Dory.
"Where'd you guys come from?!" Marlin asked in complete confusion.
"We found them playing around nearby the Drop-off so we brought them home." Jenny smiled as she and Charlie came up from behind Nemo and Dory.
"Where's Sebrina? She okay?" Jake came up from behind as well, along with Spike.
"She's okay. She just...went to bed early." Marlin smiled sheepishly.
"Did something happen, mate?" Spike asked him as well.
"Oh no no no, everything's fine!" Marlin told them again.
Everyone except Marlin looked at each other in worry before looking back up at him.

(Not a long chapter but atleast it's SOMETHING right?)

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