Chapter Nine

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(A/n: I don't know why but I feel like I'm starting to lose sanity over here. Being cramped in a house with 8 children in it doesn't exactly go well.:( Buuuuut I AM almost done with Finding Marlin and so when it gets to the end, watch out for the little sneak peek for Finding Sebrina at the bottom of the last chapter. *I'm only gonna guess there's gonna be twelve chapters in this XD* Enjoy!)




"Eh?" Marlin opened his eyes and slowly looked around in confusion. He realized that he, Goldie and Spike were back in the ocean, safe and sound.
"I-...where are we?" Goldie asked.
"I think we're back in the ocean..." Spike mumbled a bit nervous.
"Back in the ocean? You mean back where we started?! H-how'd we get here?!" Marlin asked.
Goldie looked back up through the surface and saw a drain on the wall.
"I think we...fell in through the drains and ended up out here..." Goldie explained, shocked that he was out of the aquarium for the first time in his life.
"N-no! No no no! How're we supposed to find her now?!" Marlin frantically swam around.
"It's simple. YOU DON'T." Spike told him.
"Excuse me?" Marlin looked over to him in confusion.
"You said yourself that you'd help me find her." He explained.
"What's the point?! We're just gonna get ourselves killed in there! She might already be dead anyways!" Spike yelled.
"You think THAT'S bad?! How am I supposed to get back to my family?!" Goldie looked over at them in sadness and anger.
"Another simple answer. YOU DON'T! There's no way of getting back in there!" Spike told him.
"What is with you, Spike? I thought you were trying to help us!" Marlin told him.
"I AM! I'm keeping you guys from getting killed! Is that not enough for you?!" Spike asked.
"Exactly WHAT is gonna try and kill us, Spike? You tell me!" Goldie yelled.
Spike did not respond. He only looked down in shame.
"S-Spike?..." Marlin asked.
"There's no way to get out of this now..." Spike told himself.
"Get out of what?" Marlin asked, worried about what his answer was gonna be.
"What's with all that racket out there?" Someone asked from inside the pipes.
"Careful of the current. Careful of the current. Careful of the current. CAREFUL OF THE- WOOOAHHH!!" A male voice followed by more voices shouted as the sounds got louder.
Marlin, Spike and Goldie watched in shock as they saw Dory and the others swoosh on out of the pipes.
Then someone got stuck in the pipe and fell down with the lid stuck on its face.
"Dory?! Nemo?! Guys?!?" Marlin asked happily.
"Dad/Marlin!" Everyone shouted.
As they all hugged each other in excitement, Susan, the one who got her head stuck, groaned in annoyance.
"*Groan* Can someone help me?" She asked.
"Yep. I'll just return the favor since you helped us." Jake nodded as he popped the lid off Susan's face.
"How'd you guys get here?" Spike asked.
"Long story short, we had help from Susan and Jake here." Gill explained.
"I swear I'm gonna have nightmares the rest of my life for going in there." Gurgle mumbled.
"Yay! Now we've found Marlin! He found his-...wait. Where's you're wife?" Deb asked.
"ANOTHER simple answer....we don't know." Spike chuckled in embarrassment.
"W-wait. Where's Sebrina?" Marlin asked.
"We kinda got separated but I'm sure she's found her way in the pipes by now." Nemo explained to his father.
"So uh...what now?" Bubbles asked.
"We find Marlin's wife and then take you guys home-" Goldie explained.

"Oh, I don't think you'll be going anywhere..."

Everyone turned to the sound of the voice in curiosity and worry, not long before seeing a giant silhouette loom over them, followed by three more silhouettes behind him.
"Who's that?" Peach asked.
"Question, are you guys giant infections cause uh...I don't do well with those kind of th-things." Gurgle muttered while practically shaking.
"Well well well. It appears he brought more then what he said on the message, boys." The biggest barracuda, otherwise known as Fang, along with his buddy Paul and the two electric eels stood there and nodded to each other as they grinned and laughed.
"What are you talking about big guy? What did someone invite us to dinner or something?" Dory laughed.
"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes he did." Fang looked over at Spike with a devilish smile.
"Can I pick first? CanIcanIcanIcanIcanIcanI?" Paul asked in excitement.
"Of course you can! Go right ahead! Pick a fish! Any fish!" Fang looked at him.
"Really?" Paul asked again.
"No." Fang answered and rolled his eyes.
"Besides, we all exactly know which ones are mine..." Fang's devilish smile appeared on his face once more as he stared hungrily at Marlin.
"What are you talking abo-...." Jake stopped dead in his sentence and they all looked over at Spike.
"Uhhh...I might of...sort of...kind of...sent him a little message..." Spike admitted.
" set us UP?!" Goldie yelled.
"Well- let's not put it THAT way-" Spike chuckled.
"I saved your life and this is what me and my family get in return?!" Marlin asked him in a rather angry yet terrified voice.
"Ah, I love watching our meals argue with each other." Fang sighed.
"JAKE!" Susan yelled as Jake flinched.
"WHAT!? I had nothing to do with this, I swear!" He explained.
"Um.. I'm just going to clean something now..." Jacques slowly backed away but was stopped when the two electric eels stood in his way.
"Didn't I literally just say you're not going anywhere?" Fang asked in anger.
"Yeah, but that was a few minutes ago wasn't it?" Dory swam up and asked him in curiosity.
"How about thiiis, let's just agree with Dory, forget this ever happened and go on to find Marlin's wife, eh?" Jake smiled sheepishly as he dragged Dory away from Fang slowly.
"His wife?..." Paul asked in confusion.
"Yeah, let us go find her and we'll be on our way." Nemo told them.
"I don't think this is a good idea..." Bloat mumbled.

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory/Finding Marlin/Finding SebrinaWhere stories live. Discover now