Chapter Two

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On their way home, the other three were inging with Mr.Ray and the kids while Marlin looked at the one broken coral rice he kept in his fin.
He sighed and gripped it tightly.

Later that day, Marlin asked Bailey for advice on what was going on.
"Well, what can I say? Your wife could possibly still be alive. You've just got to figure out what happened, find your wife and BOOM! Problem solved." He explained.
"Find out what happened? How? I was knocked out when it happened."
"Marlin! There you are! Where have you been?" Sebrina asked as she, Dory and Nemo swam up to him.
"Oh, he was telling me he needed help figuring out about the broken coral pieces and his wife and stuff." Bailey explained.
"I just don't know how I'm gonna figure out what happened. We have no idea how to get back there and Mr.Ray is busy." Marlin explained to them.
"*Gasp* How about homing instincts?" Nemo asked.
"Impressive." Bailey smiled.
Nemo turned to them.
"Mr. Ray taught us that when your brain shuts down, your fins know where to take you." Nemo explained.
"Not everything you learn in school has a practical application." Sebrina sighed.
"This does! I bet if Dad let's his fins take over, we could follow his homing instincts back to his old home!" Nemo smiled.
"Okay, well we're obviously not doing that. So, what's another option?" Sebrina looked up at Bailey. Nemo wasn't happy.
"Why are we obviously not doing that?" Nemo asked.
"Because, it's too dangerous." She told him.
"Uh oh. Little tension in clown town!" Bailey warned.
"We're not just gonna go out into the middle of the ocean and put everybody at risk!" Sebrina explained.
"Dad's got clues that my mom may still be alive, Sebrina! We have to atleast try it!" Nemo told her.
"Try what?" Dory asked.
As they continued bickering, Marlin looked at his fins. Sebrina and Nemo were right. They can't just go out and put everyone in danger but Coral may still be out there. Lost...alone...calling for help. He looked back up at the three.
"I wanna go." He told them. The three looked over at him and stopped.
"I wanna find Coral and figure out what happened." Marlin then looked at Sebrina.
"Please Sebrina. I have to atleast try." He told her.
Sebrina didn't say anything. She thought for a moment, sighed then smiled and crossed her fins.
"You mean 'we' have to try. You can't go out on cool adventures without me. Adventure is my middle name after all." She told him as he smiled.
"*Gasp!* Adventure is your middle name?! Why didn't you tell me?" Dory gasped in shock as Nemo laughed.
"I just want to ask if your definitely sure if you want to do this." Sebrina looked at Marlin. He nodded.
"Road trip? Wahoo! I call front seat!" Dory shouted.

A little while later, Marlin, Nemo, Sebrina and Dory stood at the drop-off, ready to follow Marlin.
"Okay, Dad. Remember. Follow your fins." Nemo reminded him.
"You better hope you remember cause I certainly won't." Dory laughed.
"Okay...follow my fins." Marlin looked at his fins again.
"The most important thing, listen to your instincts but also if you think your instincts are wrong don't be afraid to speak up." Sebrina told him, still not sure if they would do this.
"Will do, buddy." Marlin nodded.
He started slowly swimming forward.
"Instincts are funny things." Sebrina said, causing Marlin to back up. He slowly went forward but went back when Sebrina spoke again.
"Something that feels like an instinct might be a twitch." Sebrina said again.
Marlin went forward again but went backward everytime Sebrina spoke.
"Or some bad algae that you ate-" She continued.
"Sebrina!" Nemo stopped her.
"Sorry." Sebrina smiled sheepishly.
"Dad? Just follow your fins." Nemo told Marlin again.
Marlin just looked at the drop-off again and took a deep breath.
"...oh boy. I never thought I'd be the one leaving this drop-off yet here I am." Marlin muttered to himself.
"It's okay, Marlin." Sebrina told him.
Marlin moved his fins and went forward but he didn't get to far before he freaked out.
"Where are you guys?" Marlin asked, noticing that the others weren't beside him.
"I lost you! Where are you?!" Marlin freaked out.
"Dad!" Nemo told him as he screamed as turned around.
"We're right here, Dad. It's okay." Nemo told him.
"Ooooh. That was fun. Anyone else wanna lead?" Marlin asked as he swam behind the group.
"You can do this, Marty. Just let your fins take you where you want to go. We trust you." Dory told him. Marlin smiled and she smiled back.
"*Ahem* Okay guys. Let's go." Marlin swam ahead and the others followed.
"Alright! Let's go! Let's do this!" Dory cheered.
"'re we going again?" She asked.

Day suddenly became night and everyone was starting to get tired.
"Alright, we've been swimming all day and still nothing." Sebrina muttered.
"Yeah, even I'm starting to get tired of this. Marlin mumbled.
"You looked like you've actually grown Nemo. Look at me, I've got 6 MORE WRINKLES!" Marlin shouted.
"You just don't live nearby is, Dad that's all." Nemo told him.
"It felt alot faster riding on Mr.Ray and it's not like we can take the EAC cause we have NO IDEA where we're going!" Sebrina explained.
"I just want to go on record, I'm having a hard time distinguishing migrating and swimming aimlessly." Marlin called from up ahead.
"But still, Coral may be alive and I have to find out what happened." He muttered.
"Okay, you know what Marty? I'm sorry but we have to turn back before we even forget how to get home." Sebrina swam in front of him.
"But we can't! We have to find Marlins wife! We can't turn back! We're so close!" Dory told her.
"Sometimes, you've just gotta pick your head up, float a little higher and say I tried my best. Now, I'm gonna try it Sebrina's way! Let's go home!" Sebrina swam above them but Dory pulled her back.
"Come on, Sebrina you've never given up before! Why now? You promised you'd help him find-*GASP!* Marlin's home!" Dory pointed ahead, excitedly.
"Guys look!" Nemo shouted as well.
Marlin and Sebrina turned around and saw a coral reef straight ahead.
"We found it! You've migrated!" Dory cheered.
"Wow!" Sebrina said.
"Good job, Dad!" Nemo nudged Marlin.
"Let's go!" Dory pushed everyone ahead.
"Okay, now what do we do?" Sebrina asked as they all swam around.
"Let's go find those coral pieces." Marlin said, determined.
They started looking around but had an eery feeling as they continued looking around.
They place started to get gloomy, everything was practically ripped to shreds and no one was around.
"...What happened here?" Sebrina asked.
"This doesn't make sense! This place was fine this morning! Look, there's the chain, too!" Marlin pointed to the same hain they found this morning.
They looked around and still found the trail again.
"There's the trail!" Nemo said.
"But it stops over there." Marlin mumbled looking around a coral.
"Sebrina? Find anything?" Marlin asked but didn't get a response.
"Sebrina?" He looked around again and saw Sebrina staring at something through some kelp.
"Sebrina you okay?" Marlin and the others swam up to Sebrina as they all swam through the kelp.
The place was completely destroyed. The anemone still stood but there were chunks of holes in the bottom of it, the rocks and plants around were shred to pieces and the place just looked like something big was in there.
It shocked Sebrina the most though because this was the place she wished she never returned to. This was her old home. The place where Summer was eaten. She shook her head quickly and swam out.
"I know this place. We've gotta go!" Sebrina told them.
"What?" Everyone was confused.
"This is the place where my friend got eaten and I advise we don't stay here long. I think this place was attacked and it may still be here." Sebrina panicked.
"But where do we go? We still need to find my mom." Nemo explained.
"I don't know! Anywhere but here!" Sebrina said to them.
"Who's that?" Dory asked looking up above. The others looked up to see five silhouettes swimming away from above. Nemo followed them and the others followed Nemo.
Nemo swam faster but suddenly bonked heads with somebody.
"Ow! Where the heck did you come from-..." The stranger opened his eyes and looked at Nemo in shock.
Nemo opened his eyes too and was also shocked.

"Gill?" Nemo asked.
"Sharkbait?" Gill asked.
"Sharkbait?!" The others behind him asked.
"Guys!" Nemo cheered. It was infact the Tank Gang.
"Ooh la la." Jacques said.
"Um...who are you guys?" Marlin asked. The Tank Gang looked at the three.
"Hey, I remember you! You're his brave Dad!" Peach said.


"Oh my mistake. I'm Gill. That's Peach, Bubbles, Gurgle, Deb, Bloat and Jaques." Gill greeted.
"We were with Nemo while you went on your crazy adventure to rescue him." Bloat explained.
"Oh okay. So your friendly then?" Sebrina asked.
"Well...mostly." Gurgle muttered.
"What are you doing here?" Peach asked Nemo.
"We're looking for my mom but we have no clue where she is." Nemo explained.
"Hmm...well maybe we can help." Bubbles suggested. The others nodded.
"So, what do we do?" Marlin asked.
"We could find some help in that boat up there." Deb pointed to the boat not far from them.
"Hmmm.... I've got a plan." Gill smiled.
"Oh no." Nemo and the rest of the Tank Gang mumbled.

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory/Finding Marlin/Finding SebrinaWhere stories live. Discover now