Chapter Eight

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"Are we there yet?" Dory asked.
Hank shushed her and snuck beside a corner in the hall.
"Hank, I'm so glad I found you! It feels like...i-...destiny!" Dory explained happily.
"Oh, what must be the millionth time, it's NOT destiny." Hank said completely annoyed as he looked around the corner.
"Uh oh. Have I said destiny before? I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous that I'm gonna meet my parents. I haven't seen them I don't even know how long because you see I suffer from-" Dory explained as Hank snuck down the hallway.
"Short term memory loss. Look no more talking, okay? I don't like talking. I don't like chatter and questions and 'how are you? I'm fine how are you? I'm fine too!'" Hank explained as he snuck over a desk and looked into a room with a ringing phone as a man picked it up.
"News flash, nobody's fine." Hank told Dory.
"Oh, I'm fine. How are you?" The man sat back in his chair, which caused Hank to sigh.
"Hank, look! There's a map!" Dory pointed to a map across from the room. Hank shushed her.
"The plan is you're gonna read that and figure out where your parents live. Then I'm on the truck to Cleveland! You got it?!" Hank explained.
"Got it...what was the first part again?" Dory asked. Hank grabbed the mug and snuck it towards the map.
"What? The octopus escaped again?" The man asked over the phone in disbelief as Dory looked at the map in awe.
"Wow! Look at all the exhibits! How can you do this park in one day? Seriously." She asked
"Pick one!" Hank shook the mug.
"Okay um..." Dory looked around as Hank looked at the man.
"Well tell everyone to keep an eye out." The man rolled his seat back which caused Hank to slightly panic as the man was about to notice him.
"We're supposed to be releasing the octopus back in the ocean today!" The man turned to see a potted plant next to the map. He then rolled his seat back over and continued on the phone.
Hank peeked out and got out of the mug he was in.
"Hank! There you are!" Dory said.
"Hurry up!" Hank slightly shouted.
"Okay. Okay." Dory looked back up at the map.
"K. It's starts with a K. Kid-zzz-oney...k-kid zone!" She spelt out.
"No, no kids! Kids grab things, and I'm not losing another tentacle for you!" Hank told her straight up.
"You lost a tentacle? Well then you're not an octopus, you're a septopus! I mean, I may not remember but I can count!" Dory explained.
"Hurry up!" Hank shook her once again.
"Okay...jjjourney to the- hey look. Shells." Dory noticed a giant purple shell which caused her to gasp again.


"Hey look! Shells!" Baby Dory found another shell sitting in the sand.
"Sissy, here's a shell for you!" She looked up at Sebrina.
"Well that's great Dory! You found another one!" Her father picked up the shell.
"I did?" Baby Dory asked.
"Yes you did. You're getting good at this, Dory." Her mother said as Sebrina nodded and they followed her dad.
"Hey look! Shells!" Baby Dory shouted again.
"Hey, I live there!" She saw their house.
"Yes. Yes indeed!" Her father said happily.
"I like shells." She said matter of fact.
"Haha. That's right, dear." Her mother looked at her.
"Do you think you could find me another shell? The purple ones are my favorite." She whispered to her daughter.
"Hehehe. Okay, mommy." Baby Dory laughed.


"Hmm... Mommy...p-purple shell! Purple shell! Hey, my home had a purple shell!" Dory shouted to Hank as she snapped back to reality.
"So what? Half of the exhibits here have purple shells in them." Hank explained annoyed again.
"No. No. No. You don't understand! I remember her now! Purple shells were her favorite! And she had this adorable giggle and then my dad was really friendly-" Dory told him as he looked back to realize that a woman with a bucket was coming their way!
"And now your wacky memories are gonna get us caught!" Hank yelled as he camouflaged to the floor and crawled the way the woman was going.
"Still think this is destiny?" Hank asked behind the basement door.
"Hank, we have to find my folks!" Dory told him as he crawled down the stairs once the woman opened the door.
She walked down the stairs with a bucket and then turned right causing her to step in a puddle.
"Ugh...base, this is Carol. Uh, I think I might've found that missing octopus, over?" She said in her walkie talkie while turning around.
"See what you did?" Hank whispered, who is camouflaged like a rope.
"Sorry." Dory apologized.
"This could not be worse!" Hank told her. While Carol was looking around, Dory noticed some words on the bucket.
"Hmm...Dessstiiiny. *gasp* destiny!" She turned over to Hank.
"Hank, I have a feeling." Dory told him. He shushed her.
"I think we should go in that bucket." Dory explained.
"No, stop!" Hank whispered.
"No, seriously. It says destiny and it is-" Dory continued.
"No no no no no." Hank whispered again.
"We've got to get in that bucket." Dory tried reasoning with him but he kept declining.
"I'm not going in that bucket with you!" Hank told her.
"Here. I. Go. In. The. Bucket. Bye!" Dory tapped the mug and fell into the bucket.
"*Gasp* hey guys. I'm looking for my family." Dory talked to the fish that were strangely sideways.
"Oh, good idea. Play dead." Dory joined with them as Carol picked up the bucket and walked down the hall. Hank freaked out and hurriedly snuck side to side and onto the pipes on the roof.
"Sorry guys. I gotta blink. How do you hold your eyes open that long?" Dory asked.
He hurriedly tried to get to Dory but Carol shut the door at the last second causing him to slam right into it.
"Hey guys?" Dory touched a fish but it swayed sideways.
"Wait a second." Dory thought but was suddenly picked up and thrown into a giant pool-like tank.
She bumped into the glass wall as the lady was explaining what was in the tank.
"Our next guest has been here a very long time. She's a WHALE-SHARK. Her name is Destiny." The lady explained.
"Destiny? *Gasp* really?" Dory asked shocked.
"You'll notice she's extremely nearsighted and has trouble navigating her environment. Oh! And here she comes niw;!" She gestured to the right.
"Ooh. Destiny? *Gasp* you're a fish?" Dory turned around and saw a giant whale-shark bump into a column.
"*Groan*...wait. What?" Destiny squinted as she swam towards the blue blob in front of her.
"Hi! Hello there!" Dory greeted but had to dodge out of Destiny's way.
"Alright. I'll go with you." Dory followed her.
"Excuse me." Dory told her.
"Who is that? Is that blue blob talking?" Destiny looked down at Dory.
"Can you help me? I lost my family." Dory told her.
"You lost your family?" Destiny asked.
"It's a long story. Truth be told, I don't remember most of it." Dory explained.
"Oh that is so sad, you poor thi-AAUGH!" Destiny whammed right into one of the walls, causing Dory to spin around.
"Sorry. Not a great swimmer... can't see very well." Destiny squinted again.
"Oh,I think you swim beautifully. Infact, I've never seen a fish swim like that before." Dirt complimented.
"Thank yooouuu." Destiny spoke in whale.
"Yooooou're welcoooome." Dory spoke back.
"...wait. Say that again." Destiny told her.
"Um... yooooou're welcoooome." Dory said again.
"*Gasp!* Dory!"
"You and I were friends!" Destiny clapped her fins.
"No." Dory said in awe.
"Dory. It's me, Destiny!" She swam closer to Dory.
"You know me?" She asked.
"Of course! You and your sister would talk to me in the pipes when we were little. We were pipe pals!" Destiny explained excitedly.
"We were?" Dory swam closer to Destiny so that she had a good view of her.
"Aww. You're so pretty." Destiny awed.
"So you know where I'm from?"
Dory asked.
"Yep. You are from the open ocean exhibit." Destiny turned around only to swim into another column.
"The open ocean exhibit? *Gasp* That's where my parents are! We have to go! Can you take me there?" Dory asked.
"Uuuugh, kinda hard for a whale to travel around here-" Destiny looked down at Dory as a beluga whale stood behind her behind some bars.
"CAN YOU PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN OVER THERE?! MY HEAD HURTS!" He shouted as Destiny groaned in annoyance.
"Who's that?" Dory asked.
"*Sigh* It's my neighbor, Bailey. He was brought in with a head injury." Destiny whispered.
"I know you're talking about me, Destiny." Bailey told her. She covered him from Dory's view.
"He thinks he can't use his echolocation but I've overheard the doctors talking. There's NOT a thing wrong with him." Destiny said as Bailey continued rising up over her fin.
"I hear EEEEVERY WOOOORD you're saying about me." Bailey told her again.
"What's echolocation?" Dory asked.
"Well, Bailey's head is supposed to put out a call and the call tracks objects from far away." Destiny turned over to Bailey.
"Oh, but apparently, HE'S STILL HEALING." Destiny said in Bailey's face.
"No, I know you're talking about me." Bailey mumbled to her.
"I really can't echolocate." Bailey said as Destiny rolled her eyes in annoyance and sighed.
"I can't have this conversation again. I just can't." She mumbled.
"I hit my head VEEERY hard out there. See how swollen it is?!" Bailey pointed to his large head.
"Bailey, your head is SUPPOSED to be big. You're a BELUGA!" Destiny explained.
"Echooooolocation. Oh, like the world's most powerful pair of glasses?" Dory asked.
"What?" Destiny looked down at her in confusion.
"What are glasses?" Bailey asked.
"It's sorta like you go 'ooooooh' and the you see do I know that?" Dory asked herself.
"Oh..... that's interesting." Bailey mumbled.



Hank suddenly dropped in.
"THERE you are!" Hank looked at Dory angrily. He then started trying to get Dory's tag.
"Listen up! You and I are square! I took you to the map! Now give me that tag." He told her.
"No, wait. Wait. I-i know where my parents are now! They're-they're someplace. W-what was it? Soap and lotion?" Dory asked Destiny and Bailey.
"Open Ocean." They tell her in sync.
"*Gasp* open ocean? Oh, I know where that is! That's the exhibit located right next to- I don't CARE." Hank growled sarcastically at Dory.
"Easy." Bailey told him.
"If you want to get to the Open Ocean exhibit, just go through the pipes." Destiny told her as she looked at the small pipe entrance.
"Through the pipes! Great!" Hank continued being sarcastic.
"Through the pipes?" Dory asked.
"Yep. Just take two lefts, swim straight and you'll hit it." Destiny explained.
"Ooh, that's alot of directions. Did you get all of that, Hank? All of that?" Dory looked up at him.
"Uh, yeah?" Hank told her.
"Great! Let's go!" Dory was gonna swim in but Hank refused.
"I'm not going WITH ya! I won't fit! You'll have to go in yourself." He explained.
"Uuuum..." Dory nervously looked at the pipe entrance, slowly swam in and then immediately swam back out.
"See, I can't cause, you know, I'm not so good with directions." She explained as Destiny nodded to her.
"Well, that's to bad. A deal's a deal! I took ya to the map! Now give me that tag!" Hank swam to her and tried grabbing the tag but Dory always moved and refused.
"Wait but- i-i can't go through there. I-i'll forget where I'm going-" Dory tried reasoning.
"Not my problem! TAG!" Hank held out his tentacle.
"But I can't get in that way!" Dory told him again.
"Well, I'm sorry but there's no other way!" Hank explained angrily.
"There's no other way-*gasp!*" Dory mumbled before remembering another memory.


Baby Dory tried picking up a shell from the sand but it was to heavy.
"There's no other way." Dory said sadly. Her parents and sister tried cheering her up.
"Oh, Dory. It's okay. You know not everything is easy to do in life now isn't that right, Charlie?" Jenny looked to Charlie as Sebrina nodded.
"Your mother's right. When something's to hard, Dory, you should just give up." He told her.
"Charlie!/Dad!" Both Jenny and Sebrina scolded him. He smiled.
"A joke. I'm kidding. A joke. Just a joke." He laughed as he got the shell with his tail and put Dory on it.
"Uh, caution. Joker at work!" Charlie told Jenny and Sebrina.
"I got ya!" Jenny told him as he slid the shell towards home.
"You see, kelpcake? There's always another way." He told her. Baby Dory giggled as they snuggled and hugged each other happily.
"Thank you, Daddy." She thanked him.

*Flashback ends*

"Thank you, Daddy." Dory hugged something in memory, not realizing it was Hank's tentacle. Then she snapped back to reality.
"*Gasp* nope! My father said there's ALWAYS another way!" Dory said, determinedly. Hank was furious.
"What?! Listen Dory! There's no other way!" Hank told her again but she did not listen.
"Open Ocean. Open Ocean." Dory mumbled as she, Hank and Destiny came up to the surface.
"Open Ocean! Uh, I think it's the building over there. It's...ill defined and Bailey's head." Destiny explained as Bailey came up.
"Wait, what?" Bailey asked, hearing his name.
"There's always another way. There's always-*gasp* THERE!" Dory pointed to a stroller a mother was wheeling around with a child inside.
"Guys, follow me! I know how we can get to lopen lotion!" Dory explained.
"Open Ocean." They told her again.
"Exactly." Dory went underwater as Destiny followed. Hank sighed and followed as Bailey was confused.
"Guys...guys? You know I can't swim over there, right?!" He yelled.

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