Chapter Ten

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Whiskers panicked as he looked back down at his fish friends in worry. Marlin would be sent off to Africa if they didn't do something about it! Maybe someone would come up with a plan eventually. The plan-making was short-lived suddenly when Addie pushed Whiskers out of the way and glared at him once more. She looked like she wanted to bite his face off.
"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS FISHY BUSINESS!!!" Addie practically screamed. Suddenly, a little girl with blonde hair in pigtails and pink overalls practically waddled over to Addie happily.
"Awww, a puppy!" She squealed delightfully only to have Addie swish around and growl at her. Of course, the little girl had no idea what Addie was fixing to do but a pair of policewomen took a glance at this as they sat in front of their police car eating donuts.
"Hey! HEY! That's not legal!! That dog doesn't have a collar!" The black female with black braids looked at the other policewoman with brown hair and they both looked alarmed. Both of them were just getting ready to grab Addie and take her away from the now-frightened child but to everyone's surprise, Whiskers stepped up and pounced at Addie. They both got off of each other and just glared like they were in WWIII. Sebrina and the others were shocked to find that Whiskers, for the first time in a long time, stepped up and finally got through some of his worst fears to help rescue his friends. Unfortunately, though, the father of Tommy's family waved goodbye to the people on the street and sped off, making Marlin and the others panic again. Whiskers worriedly saw this and Addie, noticing that he was now distracted, pounced at Whiskers. Surprisingly though, Whiskers swerved around a little bit, causing Addie to run into a light post. But unfortunately for him, she practically Uno reversed him and dove at him, causing both of them to fall into the ocean.

To everyone's shock, an orca whale suddenly came diving up over the surface, trying to be a showoff as both Whiskers and Addie were flung off its tail and back on the pavement. Everyone else on the road took a glance at this beautiful orca show, including the van Marlin and the others were stuck in, as the orca crashed back down into the water. Sebrina cheered.
"ZIPPY!!" She shouted as everyone else in Tommy's van cheered. The water came splooshing over the railing beside the road, causing everything to get soaked including Whiskers and Addie. Addie opened her eyes, looked over, and started laughing seeing that Whiskers was now wet, which was one of his worst fears. To her surprise though, Whiskers looked like he didn't seem to mind it.

 Dory clapped delightfully by the awesome show as Zippy came back up and waved.
"Hi, guys!" He shouted, making sure his new friends in the van heard him but also causing every glass object in a 30-mile radius to shatter. Zippy covered his mouth and apologized. Sebrina smiled and swam up to him.
"How did you know we were here?!?" She asked, pretty much flabbergasted. Gill's jaw dropped and Jake had placed his jaw back in place. Zippy smirked and pointed behind him.
"Oh, that was easy. Your friend back there is VERY persuasive." He explained to them all as the current a little ways away from them started rising. All of their faces turned white as a humongous shadow loomed over them. A large whale tail had risen up in the air, illuminating the sunset behind him gracefully.
"EDIE!!!" Dory and Nemo both shouted excitedly. Surprisingly, Dory remembered its name too. The others gazed in awe again for a moment. Once again, its tail splooshed down, causing everything to get soaked again. The policewomen, at this point, carried blue umbrellas as the water poured over them. Once again, both Whiskers and Addie got soaked, and Addie's brown hair became dripping over her eyes. This time, Whiskers was the one who laughed.

Meanwhile, Marlin was still panicking over what would happen if it becomes too late and he becomes stuck going with them.
"Ohhh, this is bad! REEEAAALLLLLYYYYY bad!! If I don't get out of here, I'm gonna be stuck going to Africa!! I can't go there!!" He panicked as Savannah, Sammy, Evan, and Dilly watched him. Sammy only smiled in response.
"Well, on the plus side, you get to feel the nice hot sun on your face!" She explained with a cheeky smile. Marlin made a deadpan expression in response. 
"I can't just leave my family! They're important to me! Please tell me you guys have a plan! Something! ANYTHING!!" He practically shook Savannah, pleading to get out and go back to his family. Savannah then suddenly got an idea but Sammy interrupted again.
"Say, once you DO escape, will Sebrina hop in and join us?" She asked Marlin. There was a small moment of silence. 
"Well, I-... I think it'd be nice for her to STAY with us but--" Savannah made Marlin look at her with pure seriousness.
"Marlin...she's got her own life...she's got her own choices..." She told him. Marlin became silent as she continued speaking to him.
"Ever since Sebrina showed up, we've shown her EVERYTHING, and well...she seems to enjoy every bit of it. It's like she just opened her bubble and explored something new. That's what she wants to do with her life. Explore new things, see the world...a lot of things. She loves you guys to pieces but-..." Marlin stopped her from continuing and smiled, now understanding what's really going on. He heard voices go on through the back of his head as he thought.

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory/Finding Marlin/Finding SebrinaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon