Chapter Three

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"What eez eet, Geel?" Jacques asked in annoyance.
"All we'll need to do is distract the humans on the boat, get scooped up and put into one of their tanks, find somebody that can tell us where the boat is going and how we can find where your wife's at, jump off, and head there." Gill explained his plan as it ran through his head.
"We've had one good plan, Gill. ONE and it almost got Nemo killed last time." Girls told him.
"He got it the second time didn't he?" Gill looked at Gurgle.
Everyone sighed.
"It's fine. We'll be okay." Gill told them.
"I don't know, some of us have had bad experiences with boats and I really don't want them to experience it again." Marlin explained.
"Oh come on Marlin, it shouldn't be that-" Sebrina told him but before finishing her sentence, all of them got scooped up in a net.
"AAAAHH!" They shouted.
"Hey guys! I found a huge group of fish!" The girl with the net said.
"Good. Let's put them in the tank and head back to the New Zealand Aquarium. The boss should be happy with us when we get back." The male worker behind her said.

The girl opened the door on the boat, walked in, and set all of them in a tank.
"Okay! We're in the tank! Now what?!" Marlin asked. Gill only sheepishly smiled.
"Um...I haven't thought that through...we'll need to find a way out." He mumbled. Everyone;s eyes widened.
"WHAT?!" Everyone asked.
"Was this part of your plan?!" Sebrina asked frantically.
"It sure is now," Gill smirked.

Suddenly, two male workers burst the door open and quickly carried in a giant tank.
"Alright guys, as soon as we're done with this, we can go back to the aquarium before it closes." One of them explained.
"*Groan* Brilliant." Marlin groaned to himself in annoyance.
"What the heck is that?" Sebrina asked.
"Aw, it's probably just a cute bundle of-" Dory swam up closer but suddenly something banged against the glass wall.
"AAH!" Everyone shouted being startled.
It was a giant saltwater crocodile.
"You got a problem with us, buddy?" Sebrina asked it challengingly.
It got mad and burst its lid right open!
"AAAAAAH!" Everyone screamed.
"OH COME ON! I JUST FIXED THAT LID!" The first male worker complained.
The saltwater crocodile jumped towards their tank but they jumped out of the tank and into another one at the last second.
"Hey! I remember doing this! Haha!" Dory laughed.
One of the workers pushed an emergency button.
"Warning! Critter loose!" The intercom went off.
"We've gotta get to that door!" Gill shouted.
"Oh, NOW you say that?!" Gurgle told him. The crocodile growled and looked at them.
"AAAH! I'M GONNA DIE!" A worker cried. The second worker smacked him.
The fish doomed reached the last next to the wall.
"Ooooooh no. Gill? What do we do now?!" Gurgle panicked.
"Eet was nice leeving weeth you." Jacques told them.
Sebrina looked up at Bloat and he was starting to get bigger.
She then got a plan.
"Oh man, this is it, fellas!" Bloat panicked as the saltwater crocodile came closer. Sebrina suddenly wapped him and then quickly looked away.
"Hey, what was that for?" Bloat asked.
"What was what for?" Sebrina smirked at him.
"You know what I'm talking about." Bloat mumbled.
"I don't know." Sebrina shrugged.
"Sebrina, what are you-" Marlin asked.
"Look buddy, I can be a nice guy but I'm not nice when people lie." Bloat told Sebrina.
"I'm not lying." Sebrina answered.
"Yes you are!" Bloat said.
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!"
"YES YOU ARE!" Bloat yelled.
Sebrina pulled Nemo back a little as Bloat inflated the last second after the crocodile jumped.
It touched Bloats spikes and shrieked as it fell off the counter.
"Yes! Perfect timing!" Sebrina cheered.
"Huh, what do you know. Bloat really IS useful sometimes." Gurgle smirked as Bubbles nodded.
Deb deflated Bloat as the workers put a tank over the saltwater crocodile. Gill looked around and noticed that the door was wide open!
The workers walked out and suddenly the whole boat started tipping forward.
"Woooooaaah!" The fish yelled. The tank slid off the counter and out the door and leaned against the edge of the boat.
"What did I tell you two?! We can't have to much weight on one side of the boat!" The female explained to them.
"Wow, this was easy!" Dory laughed.
Bubbles suddenly saw the she of the boat, where the motor was bursting bubbles out of.
"B-b-b-b-bubbles!" Bubbles couldn't help it and was ready to jump out but Gill held him back.
"We need to lean this tank back into the ocean, everyone!" He explained.
"🎶Just keep leaning. Just keep leaning🎶" Dory sang as they tipped the tank over.
"HEY! The fish are trying to go!" The male worker warned.
"Uh oh." Nemo muttered.
"JUMP!" Gill shouted.
They all jumped out of the tank at the last second.
"Aw man...welp! Back to work!" The worker walked away.

"WOOHOO!" Everyone shouted.
"We're alive!" Deb shouted happily.
"That was some great competition back there." Someone said. They turned to see a piranha with a slight grin plastered on his scarred face.
"Who're you?" Marlin asked.
"The name's Spike, good friends." He introduced himself.
"Friends?" Sebrina asked suspiciously.
"I have never seen zis species before een my entire life." Jacques mumbled.
"Well, genius, that's because I'm a piranha. But not just at piranha. No no. I'm a rogue, genetically modified piranha who just broke out of a laboratory in Brazil." Spike explained as though he should earn a reward.
"Ooooooooh." Everyone awed except Marlin and Sebrina.
"Excuse me, but we really don't have time for this. I'm looking for my wife, Coral." Marlin explained to Spike.
"Well, I can help you guys out." Spike said, putting on one of the fakest smiles Sebrina's ever seen. He was being sarcastic and she could tell pretty easily.
"You can?" Both Marlin and Sebrina asked.
"Sure. She's right there. Simple." Spike pointed at Sebrina.
" name's Sebrina." She told him.
"Uuuuuh..." Spike then became confused, not knowing who the female clownfish was to them.
"We're not together." Marlin and Sebrina gave him a deadpan expression. Spike understood them thankfully.
"Ooooooh, okay. Okay, I see. You want my help? I guess I don't have anything better to do. Why don't we just follow this boat and see where it leads to." Spike told them.
"Sounds fine to me." Gill shrugged delightfully. The Tank Gang glared at him in response.
"...what?" Gill asked.
Spike led the way and the rest of them followed and started following the boat.
"So, how'd you escape from Brazil anyway?" Sebrina asked from up front.
"Well-" Suddenly, both Marlin and Spike were scooped up and put in a tank.
"Hey! Let's get this thing going before the aquarium closes!" A female told the others.
"Well, I can tell you how I got captured in New Zealand!" Spike told him.
"Dad!" Nemo shouted.
"Marlin!" Sebrina and Dory shouted.
"Spike!" Gill shouted.
The humans started the boat and immediately zoomed off.
"Not again! Not again!" Sebrina shouted.
"Welp, they're dead." Gurgle gave up.
"Nuh-uh! We're not giving up! I don't know about you guys but I'm following that boat!" Sebrina immediately swam off.
The others followed her.
"*Sigh* I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning." Gurgle rolled his eyes and followed them.

(Sorry, if this seems rushed. I couldn't think of any more ideas for this part:p)

Finding Nemo/Finding Dory/Finding Marlin/Finding SebrinaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz