Chapter Six

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(YAY! Finally another update :DDD *Sorry for the lack of updates*)

"Well, let's just search one tank at a time and see what everyone knows." Savannah noted to everyone as they nodded.
"Ooh! Like detectives?!" Sammy asked excitedly.
"Like detectives." Savannah nodded at her enthusiasm as she cheered delightfully.
"Well, as long as it doesn't involve getting eaten alive then I'm all for it." Sebrina nodded in agreement. They all looked up at Whiskers, who was holding the bucket they were in his mouth. He didn't seem to mind all the people giving him weird looks as they passed by. However, he immediately minded once he took a small glance at an extremely old woman in a pink dress walking around the aquarium with three black and brown hounds leashed with her. He hoped and prayed they didn't notice him and thankfully they didn't.
"Let's try that one first!" Dilly says, pointing to an aquarium with an orca whale in it. Whiskers listened and trotted up to the large tank.
"How do we get in there, though?" Evan asked. Whiskers looked for any other options of getting in and found a smaller tank right next to the orca whale's tank, which was filled with dolphins. It was short enough to where all Whiskers would have to do is climb up like 5 steps of a step ladder and he would be able to throw them in the tank. The only question left was how was he gonna get up there. 
"How are we gonna get in there?" Dilly asked Whiskers as he turned around to look for things to use. Sebrina helped him out and managed to find a CAUTION: WET FLOOR sign and got an idea.

Whiskers is now seen running as fast as he could towards the open caution sign as a large group of people dodge out of the cat's way in shock and confusion.
"Get ready to jump!" Sebrina told Whiskers. He nodded in response as he reached the caution sign. He leaped up off the sign just as it crashed on the floor and he had leaped over a group of kids and on top of the aquarium tank, almost slipping in the cold water where the dolphins were. He managed to balance himself on the edge and kept as still as he could. Whiskers then proceeded to drop the fish into the tank with the bucket but fell too forward in the process and fell into the tank with them.
A couple of seconds later, Whiskers splooshed out of the water, flailing like crazy as he held on to a nearby flag that was hanging from the ceiling. He held on to it for dear life as Sebrina came back up to the surface in confusion.
"Whiskers? You alright?" She asked him in wonder. Sammy came back up to the surface with her.
"Oh, don't worry about him. He just hates water." She says with a chuckle. Whiskers looks at them.
"It's alright. I'm just gonna slide my way on dow--..." As Whiskers looked back down with a terrified face, his claws dug into the flag some more as he realized that the three hounds were right below where the flag was hanging, eagerly waiting for him to get back down. Whiskers tried keeping a cheeky smile like everything was fine as he looked back at his friends. He was also afraid of heights so that didn't help his case at all.
"Ooooon second thought, I-I feel like just taking in the view from up here. Don't mind me." He tells them as he pretends to be having fun on the flag but really, he was hanging on for dear life. Sebrina looks back at Sammy in confusion but she only shrugs in response before going back down the surface, having no idea why Whiskers was suddenly acting this way. No one knew. Whiskers looked back down below him worriedly as one of the three dogs in the center smirked.
"Well, well, well...look what the cat dragged in..." The three of them suddenly started howling with laughter as Whiskers winced in fear.

 Sebrina followed them as everyone else examined the large group of dolphins, who were swimming around in delightful conversation.
"Sooo...who here should we ask first?" Savannah asked, looking at the others in her group. A loud clanging noise was suddenly heard as they looked over to find one dolphin out of the group as they were nearby a pipe entrance that they assumed led to the orca whale. He was covering his head with his fins with an annoyed look. Savannah swam over to him in interest.
"Hey there, something wrong?" She asked with mere interest. 
"*GROAN* This dude just can't figure out when to shut his mouth, can he?!" He shouted through the pipes. A low echoing voice boomed through the pipe entrance with a response.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I was 'supposedly' being upstaged by someone 3 TIMES SMALLER THAN ME!!" The voice shouted back. Dilly rolled her eyes.
"*Sigh* These guys fight like an old married couple..." She mumbled.
"Yeah, they remind me of us-" Evan agreed but realized he said the wrong thing rather quickly as Dilly turned back to him.
"I'm sorry. WHAT?" Dilly asked, making sure she heard what she thought she heard.
"I-I mean uhh...yeah, they sure act like uhh...Daniel and Katherine in Just Go With It." He mumbled with a sheepish smile. Dilly thought for a moment before agreeing with him.
"Yeah, you're right." She said with a smile. Sebrina was confused.
"What's 'Just Go With It'?" She asked them. Sammy excitedly clapped her fins.
"OH! We've GOTTA show you the TV when we get back! FOR. SURE." She laughed aloud. The dolphin went into the conversation.
"Evan? Dilly? Is that you guys?! It's been a while, you two! How are you doing?! It's me! Flipper!" The dolphin smiled. Sammy mumbled to Sebrina as Savannah rolled her eyes playfully.
"Also a good movie." She whispered, talking about the bottle-nosed dolphin's name. Evan and Dilly both suddenly remembered and smiled as well.
"Oh! Hey, Flipper! Long time, no see!" Evan greeted.
"Boooooooorrriiiinnggggg..." The voice boomed through the pipes as Flipper groaned in annoyance.
"Who's that?" Sebrina asked. Flipper sighed and turned to Sebrina.
"That's just Zippy. He's my annoying neighbor and he's got TERRIBLE anger issues. Has been since Evan and Dilly escaped." Flipper explained, trying to keep the other dolphins from hearing them.
"Escaped?" Sebrina, Savannah, and Sammy all asked in unison (Wow, try saying their names three times fast XD) Evan and Dilly tried making him shut his trap.
"Okay, okay. That's really wonderful. Uhm...see, a friend here is trying to find her parents and we were wondering if there was a way to get to the tropical fish exhibit." Dilly asked Flipper.
"Oh, it's just on the other side of the aquarium. You should be able to see it from he-." Before Flipper could continue speaking, Zippy interrupted him again.
"Awwwwww, you gonna help some kids now? Aw, why don't we keep it simple for your level and teach them how to swim or something." Zippy shouted sarcastically as Flipper rolled his eyes and smacked his forehead. Savannah decided to bump in on it.
"*Pfft* Says the giant panda-" Sebrina was confused on what she meant but the way the others tried silencing Savannah, she presumed it wasn't a good thing. Luckily, Flipper didn't hear her and neither did the other dolphins. Unfortunately, Zippy did.
"WHAAATTT!?!?" He became angry and everything started to shake in the middle of his raging/

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