Chapter Four

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The four are now riding in the East Australian Current, ready to find Dory's parents.
Crush yelled out as Dory, Sebrina and Nemo cheered. Marlin wasn't really having a fun time riding on Crush.

"Tooooootally sick! TOOOOOOTALLY SICK!" Marlin shouted.
"I know. Isn't it great?" Crush asked.
"NO! I'm gonna be totally sick!" Marlin shouted.
"It's the California current, dude.
It's got some GNARLY chop. SURF'S UP, DUDE!" Crush shouted. He hopped up the surface and then back down, much to Marlin's sickness.
"Hey, dude. If you're gonna hurl, just do me a solid, head to the back of the shell, lean out and GO FOR DISTANCE!" He told him.
Squirt swam next to them.
"We call that 'feeding the fishes'!" He yelled.
"Correctamundo, Squirt!" Crush nodded as Squirt swam up to the other baby sea turtles, where Dory, Sebrina and Nemo were explaining where they were going and why.
"...and now we're going to find my parents at the
Brooch of the Atlantic...or the..." Dory forgot what the place was called.
"The jewel of Moro Bay, California." Nemo finished.
"Exactly!" Dory nodded to him.
"How are you gonna find your parents?" A sea turtle asked.
"Do you remember what they look like?" Another asked.
"Well I'm a bit new to the whole memory thing so I can't say for sure, but something tells me they're MOSTLY blue with..tst..a little YELLOW." Dory explained.
"That sounds about right!" Sebrina nodded.
"Also, I'm pretty sure that when I see them, we're family!" Dory continued.
"Moro Bay, California's coming up, dude!" Crush announced.

"Woo, let's find my family!" Dory cheered as Crush lowered them all towards the exit.
"Go go go go!" Crush told them.
"Come on, Marlin!" Sebrina shouted.
"Hey, don't push me!" Marlin said. They all swerved through the exit and then watched the sea turtles leave as Marlin 'fed the fishes'.
"So long, little blue! Hope you find your parents!" Squirt shouted.
"Good luck FEEDING THE FISHES!" Crush shouted towards Marlin as they disappeared.
Marlin rose up, sickly.
"To late...already fed..." Marlin mumbled.
"Oh!" Dory noticed the dark, gloomy place they've arrived at.
"...this feels familiar...Mom! Dad!" Dory called out as Marlin warned her to stop.
They continued swimming around and then Nemo encouraged Dory to yell louder.
"MOM!? DAD!?" Dory yelled louder.


Some crabs whispered before hiding again.
"*Gasp* what was that?" Sebrina asked.
"Wait!...I-I've heard that before!" Dory swam around quickly.
"I remember someone saying 'sssh'!" Dory explained.
"Nice. Well done. That was me. ONE MINUTE AGO."
The crabs shushed Marlin and Dory gasped.


"Please? Can someone help me find my mommy and daddy? Their names are Jenny and Charlie." Baby Dory pleaded as the crabs shushed her.


"...*gasp* Jenny and Charlie." Dory mumbled.
"What? Jenny and who?" Sebrina asked, concerned as much as Marlin is.
"I remember their names! MY PARENTS ARE JENNY AND CHARLIE!" Dory shouted and swam off, frantically while the others tried calming her down.
"Jenny?!...Charlie?!.... JENNY?!...CHARLIE?!" Dory shouted out as the crabs continued frantically shushing her and the clownfish.
Marlin and the others swam in front of Dory.
"Dory! These crabs are locals! And I have the feeling they're shushing us for a reason. You might wake up something DANGEROUS!" Sebrina told her.
"Are you talking about something with one big eye, tentacles and snappy thing?" Dory asked looking up.
"Well, that's a little bit specific,but something like that, yes.  You just generally don't want to-..." Marlin and the others noticed a dark shadow looming over them.
The crabs hid as the clownfish turned around to see a giant head with one big eye. It looked like it wanted to kill them.

(Probably because it DOES!)

"Oh my....goodness!" Marlin said.
"Oh boy." Dory mumbled.
"Okay. There's a mistake. We're backing away. Let us live and we'll...uh... we'll worship you and we'll build you like monument?" Sebrina asked it.
The monster came out of his hiding place and it was a giant SQUID! They all screamed and swam away as the squid followed.

They swam in a bin and came out. They're all stick in a web and Dory had to drag them around as the squid continued crashing into things.
It finally got stuck in a box and slid down a hill.
Before the fish could get to far though, a tentacle snatched Sebrina and she was off the web, heading towards the squids snappy thing!
She yelled out as the others tried helping her out.
The box landed on sand and started rolling.
"NOOO!" Sebrina shouted in agony.
"Sebrina!" Nemo shouted.
"Sebrina, hold onto me and DON'T LET GO!" Marlin told her. Marlin and Nemo were holding on to Sebrina while Dory was trying to pull Marlin and Nemo, hoping to yank Sebrina out.
The snappy thing was inches away from gobbling up Sebrina!
"NO, NO, NO!" Marlin shouted.
To everyone's relief, the squid got squashed and realised Sebrina. Dory hit a plant and then bolted as fast as she could, not knowing that they weren't being chased anymore.
"Dory, slow down! We're not being chased anymore!" Marlin told her as he and Nemo held onto Sebrina, seeings she was no longer on the web, they had to hold onto her.
"Are you sure-AAH!" Dory slammed face first into a giant plant.

(I know this chapter is short but I wanted to get to a good stopping point)

Word Count: 941

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