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I was anxious, nervous, over whelmed, you name it, all because I decide to man up and talk to her.

With my clammy hands in my pocket and the sweat trickling down my forehead I waited for her, my heart thundering within my rib cage like crazy.

I lean on my car and waited,maybe for another twenty minutes,if it means I will see her, then I can wait for a thousand years to come, that's how much she affected me.

Unconsciously turning to the other side, my breath hitched as u watched her dainty figure moved with such elegance it made me gawk like stupid,ohhh my precious.

Her hijab sway with the wind getting in her face as she gently collect it to the side for more comfort.

With each added step my heart beats faster as she approached me.

I adjusted myself and get ready for her arrival.

OK......here goes nothing.

"Assalamu alaikum" I said just when she was a step ahead.

She pursed and take another step backwards.

"Wa'alikum assalamu"

Her angelic silky voice reached my ears.

My throat dried up and I found myself tongue tied when she looked at me with the most beautiful eyes ever.

"Can I help you" she asked again.


She peered at me waiting for a full statement which is kind of impossible giving the way she looked cute when doing that.

"Uhm.....sorry am so sorry I didn't mean to.....ahm.....

"You didn't mean to what?" She asked puzzle.

"Uhmm....I....never mind, sorry for stopping you on the way, it seems am mistaken, I wasn't looking for you....no...I was looking for you but.....no not you, someone.... Am looking for someone and I think you kinda look alike I thought it was her but it turn out it wasn't.... am sorry, I......

I start to ramble nonsense

"it's OK" she interrupted trying to hide her smile.

"Am so sorry" I emphasized

"It's alright" she smiled.

"No I shouldn't have......

" it's OK" she emphasized.

"Oh...thank you" I replied keeping my eyes downcast.

"Thank you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow still smiling

"Ye....yeah?" It came out like a question.

"OK" she laughed making my heart Summersault "I have to go, I hope you find whoever it was you're looking for"

"Yeah....I hope" I replied meekly.

She smile one more time and head on her way as she left me standing like an idiot.

I shake my head pitying my self of the misery am in and head back to my car.

"Stupid! stupid!! stupid!!!......ughhhh" I groaned leaning my head on the wheel.

why can't I just talk to her like a normal guy instead I have to make a fool of myself....great I just ruin the first impression.

I was in that same position for minutes before I decide to drive my idiotic self home.


"Assalamu alaikum" I voiced the moment I walked in.

"Wa'alaikum assalamu" Rabi'a the housemaid answered.

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