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Her morning starts up happy, because for the first time Za'afar is actually being civil, no death glares, yelling or threats.

They walk side by side silently with only the crunching of dry leaves beneath their feet.

The path was lead by their third companion, his grandpa.

It was just a walk between the two men, but Mr Emir suggest  maryam to joined them, much to her husband's dismay.

"You see those trees" Mr Emir pointed afar "behind them is your mother's school" he told za'afar.

"She wished to become a teacher.....very good with children, she loves kids" he replied with a far away look.

Za'afar said nothing as he listen on various stories of his mother from Dede(grandpa).

"Keep up sayin(dear), we don't want you going missing" Emir called as maryam trailed far behind them.

She look at za'afar for acknowledgement but he didn't spare her a glance, for all the while he didn't even look at her.

She smiled at Emir and hurried  her pace.

She was gladly back at her husband's side.

It took a whole half hour before they got back to a served breakfast table.

"Hey guys, good timing" Asli smiled putting the fruits on the table.

"Everyone, breakfast's ready" Aylin called as she helped with that napkins.

Emir ushered the couple to settled before the whole family arrives.

One by one, they all took their sits and breakfast was served.

It was all peace and quite until Za'afar's phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, he excused himself.

"Kamal" he answered when he was at a safe distance.

"Boss something just happened" he sound urgent.

"What is it" he asked in a calm.

"Kabir phone just rang"


Za'afar remembered taking off his stuffs before burying him, including his phone, but at that time it was empty, nothing they could use in it, so this is a big opportunity now.

"Yeah, I have been on for the past days for encounters like this" he explained.

"The person shouldn't know he's dead, so don't pick up, just track the number, get the location and monitor the movements of whoever it is" he strictly ordered.

"Yes sir"

"A strict observation is all I asked of you,nothing more or less, and wait till I get back"

"On it boss" kamal sound determined.

"Report back to me and don't you dare get caught" he warned.

As he cut the call, he couldn't help the small smile that tend to pull his lips.

Finally, he thought.

And this time, nothing and no one will stand on his way......this time it will go as he planned.

With a newfound determination, he got back yo his breakfast.

Maryam didn't miss the change on his face, he seems more relaxed now, and she was happy for that.

And that's how she found herself doing the unthinkable, probably going for a death wish.

She slightly nudge his foot under the table to get his attention, which halt his chewing.

Za'afarWhere stories live. Discover now