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He stared at the man before him, stone cold eyes,lips set in a thin line as he held a scowl, his black lustred lush hair a reminder of his origin, his motherland......and the scar, the scar which bares a haunting story behind it, not one he wants to remember, a story of his wretched soul, a reminder of his failure and revenge.

His fingers gently graze the distorted part of his face as his reflection does the same, he traced the path, from the farther part of his jaw along his cheek upward, going across his eyebrow,the end of it, and a little graze to his eyes, it was a miracle his eyes were still intact.

With years, the wound has  healed, there was no pain, but it manage to leave a blemished reddish skin in its path and some rough edges which stand out on his fair skin.

The ringing of his phone made him slowly tore away his gaze from the mirror.

Cuffing his links he proceed to pick the ringing object.

"Hello" he gruffly answered.

"Za'afar we have a problem" his uncle spoke in panic.

"Am listening" he muttered.

"Can we meet at the office"


He grabbed his coat and head out of the room.

Hafsah raised her head at the sound of foot steps.

"Aren't you going to have anything" the older woman asked putting the last dish on the dining.

"No" he answered as he quickened his steps

"At least have something, a bread slice" she replied picking the food item one by one, maybe he could choose "or some apple or even.......

Her words were cut short when she realise there was no one there.

His already gone.

Her shoulders sag in defeat, he's not listening, she doesn't know what to do anymore,she feels like she's failing his mother.

"Do you really think he will listen yo you?"

Hafsah watched as Hajiya sa'adatu strolled down to the dining with graceful steps.

In her elegant Ankara straight gown, she looked stunning, perfect.

"Hajiya ina kwana" Hafsah greeted.

"You should have known to stop by now, he will never listen, a hard headed boy with no manners, what do you expect from him" she took a sit ignoring her greetings.

Hafsah bow down her head in utter defeat, and sigh.

"What did you expect Hafsah" she repeated facing the house maid.

Startled, hafsah didn't know she expected an answer.

"No...nothing" she squeaked.

"Exactly, nothing, so just give up will you?" She replied filling up her plate.

"Call Uzair to come have his breakfast" she mumbled.


With a sad mind, the house maid proceed to call the golden child, as his mum presumed.


"We're so close, we can't let this happen,something has to be done, and fast, you have to get married to one of them, any of them, whatever it takes because I won't let years of planning to go to waste, moreover my brother's death at stake" for the past minutes his uncle has been ranting continuously.

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