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The house seems quite, very quite,it was once filled with chatters and laughter of her sisters, but now, it's empty.

Mama has gone to work, to anty wasila's house leaving khadija alone.

She was bored out of her mind, with nothing else to do.

Thinking of the last few days back, brought a smile to her face.

She can say he's kind of cute.

She didn't know him, but he has stopped her on her way to school, and rambled about looking for someone else which he mistook for her.

A little part of her wish she will see him again.

The stranger clouding her thoughts.


Uzair waited in the lounge, she has kept him waiting, just like the first time.

He wouldn't be here if his mother wouldn't have forced him, this is the third time he's coming.

The clicking of shoes made him raised his head, and she take a sit muttering 'Hi'

"Assalamu alaikum" he answered instead.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" she replied.

"It's OK" he replied with a forced smile.

Silence befalls them, and none of them seem to break the ice.

Zainab took a deep breath and decide the silence is deafening.

"I know you don't like me"

And uzair didn't stop or correct her.

"Why are you doing this" she asked

"Why am I doing what" he asked annoyed.

"Why do you choose to go along if you don't like me then"

"Because am following orders" he replied irritated.

"So am I" she replied quietly.

He was surprised at the new information.

"You see we have on thing in common" she replied.

"Then maybe we can do something about it" uzair replied with a flicker of hope.

"Like what" she asked.

"I don't know, you can call it quits" he replied with a shrug.

"It's not that easy" she said with a sad smile.

And uzair noticed something in her demeanor, she seemed drained, emotionally tired.

Maybe they really do have something in common.

And uzair thought, he should cut some slack for the poor girl, it isn't her fault to be here too in the first place.

They were all in it because of their parents.

"OK" he take a look at his wrist watch "I think I have to go, it's getting late".

This was always it, he doesn't last longer than ten to fifteen minutes.

"oh, yeah....OK, bari na raka ka"

She escorted him to the red Bentley parked outside.

And for the first time, he told her something he thought he will never say.

"Sai mun yi waya"

She was caught off guard with the statement.

But nod anyways with a smile.

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