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I was under hajja's scrutiny as she observes me with her eyes.

"You told me you were fine" she asks again.

"Yes hajja just a little fever that's all" I shrugged.

"You're not honey, look how skinny you've got" she touched my face "tell me is he not feeding you well....is he not treating you well, or is there something you're not telling me" she asked worriedly.

I gave her a small smile.

"Am really fine , there's nothing wrong" I assured her.

She did not seem convinced but she let it go anyways.

"Just know that you can tell me anything OK"

"OK" I nodded with a smile.

"Hajja" za'afar called as he stood at the end of the stairs "you didn't tell me you're coming" he smiled as he strode towards her.

"I wanted to surprise you guys, besides do I really need an invitation into this house" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No you don't" he grinned.

I feel my heart flutter seeing him smile like this, only I  will never get that privilege.

We all sat at the living room including anti hafsah as they all talk about random things while I stay quite.

"Za'afar you still haven't gone around with her to visit the relatives, when are you going to do that" hajja asked curious.

"I have some work going on, maybe not now" he shrugged not for once giving me a glance.

"Haba za'afar it's been six months already" she exclaimed.

"I will find time" he replied.

"And the next time you're still going to tell me you have work, just tell me the exact time so that I will be reassured..... You will like to go visit right dear" she looked at me.

"Uhm" I gulped at his scrutiny "I.....

"She's perfectly fine with staying home" he gave me a glare.

"Maryam am talking to you not him" she glared at him.

I avoided his gaze and look at anti hafsah, she gave me an encouraging smile and for once I didn't look at him for affirmation, I said what I like.

"Yes, I will like to"

I can feel the intensity of his stare but I choose to ignore, I know am going to pay the price later.

"Good" she beamed "za'afar you will be going this weekend insha Allah" she declared

"Hajja I have a conference to attend to"

"Uzair can go on your behalf"


"Please za'afar"

And I know he couldn't deny the old woman's pleading eyes.

"OK" he gave a deep sigh pinching the bridge of his nose "if you would excuse me" he stood up "can I leave now" his gaze was at hajja.

"Go on, you're always working" she rolled her eyes "please live a little because you only live once dear"

He gave her a lopsided smile and head back to his study.

We talked a lot with hajja and anti hafsah which was so great, I laughed, smiled and within minutes my mood was uplifted, I felt lighter.

Later in the evening hajja announced that she's leaving, we bid our goodbyes and she sent for za'afar.

Za'afarWhere stories live. Discover now