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Maryam's POV

I sat idly on the bed, contemplating on what to do next.

This is a new environment for me, so  the only thing I can do is wait till someone come and fetch me.

I haven't touched anything in the room besides the toilet and my clothes.

The door click open and I snapped my head in that direction, immediately my heart went into an overdrive.

He strode casually in his three piece suit and his whole aura scream dominance.

He was on the phone,and his deep rich voice reached my ears as he spoke so fast you will miss what's he's saying if you don't listen close enough.

Just when I thought I should acknowledge him about my existence I found him staring directly at me and I exhale a breath I don't know I was holding.

My first instinct was to greet him.

"Good mor......

"What are you wearing" he asked instead.


I looked at my faded slightly frayed attire and gulp.

"Clothes?" I replied meekly which sounded like a question

This only seems to make him annoyed.

"Yeah I can see that" he glared at me.

"I....it's the only thing I have with me" I replied in a small voice.

It's actually not bad, wasila gave me not long ago, and I also have with the ones yaya Rahama gifted me from her lefe which I forgot to pack.

He ignored my statement and went ahead to the closet I never touched, and open it wide.

"Choose whatever you want to wear, but not that" he gestured to my clothes with a scrunched face.

I could only nod and move forward to get something for myself.

"And don't ever wear those things again" he warned on his way out.

So, this is how my morning goes with my husband, he technically referred to my clothes as....as....as rags, the thought saddened me, it's obvious they looked unpleasant but he should have said it in a nicer way, and it's his fault he didn't bring lefe, I huffed, he's the one to blame.

Is he this rude.....maybe he's grumpy in the morning.... Yeah that should be it, I shouldn't be too keen in judging him when I only get to know him for 2 minutes.

I sighed and face the close.....wait it's not a closet.....it's a closet but looks like a small room containing clothes (a walk in closet) I walked in and gasp in astonishment.

There were gowns of different kind, Ankaras, laces, materials, Abayas, some jeans and shirts, crop tops and shorts, I glanced away shyly, the thought of wearing a crop top in front of him.........those are stupid thoughts that shouldn't go through my head, I walked in further and open the drawers which contain under wears and to my utter surprise and embarrassment they're all my size, I quickly closed it and moved further, jewelries, shoes, veils, hijabs, night wears which got me shy all over again, I got tired and pick what am going to use and walk out because there seems to be endless more things I didn't see.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, the girl staring back at me looked way more elegant than the maryam I knew, was it because am in an elegant mansion, I really looked different.

A knock sounded at the door and I answered.

"Come in"

The older woman peeked her head inside.

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