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Zainab neatly placed the folded clothes in the wardrobe, with nothing else to do it seems like a nice idea.

A smile broke her lips as she thought about the brief conversation she had with Uzair, it didn't last long like she hoped but they talked nonetheless.

The smile vanished with the intruder to her room.

"Ki shirya yanzu zamu fita" the woman only glared at zainab before going out.

This woman was suppose to be my mother, she thought.

She quickly drape her veil on her head and head out because she dare not waste a single second.

She was out before her mother as she waited by the car.

Malam Garba was set ready to go.

"Ina wuni malam Garba" she greeted as she sat in the car.

"Lafiya kalau yar mama" he gave a wide smile with his two missing front tooth.

She doubt she's yar mama anymore, she gave a solemn smile.

The door clicked open and Hajiya Rafi'a made her entrance.

"Let's go"

Mama ordered malam Garba and we made our way out of the Yahaya Garko residence.

She ignored me and I did the same because even if I were to spike a conversation am going to regret opening my mouth in the first place.

Our relationship wasn't strain like this, I remember when I was the love of her life and she was mine but that all changes when I made the biggest mistake of my life and everything take a turn.

The whole house is against me now, except my brother who still believes it's not my fault but even I don't believe it's true.

I am the only girl in the mist of 5 boys so that makes me to be very close to my mother.

The car came to a halt breaking me out of my thoughts.

My mother stepped out and I take it as a cue to do the same.

My mom walk forward and I tail behind.

The door was opened by rabi'a the housemaid.

We were then issued into the living room where we met hajiya Sa'adatu and on seeing us she raised and welcome us with a hug, which was the usual, even before I started seeing uzair.

She walked with poise and elegance and for the first time in ages I felt self conscious.

How am I to keep up with her if am to be her future daughter in-law.

"Sannun Ku da zuwa"

My mum answered with the widest smile.

Pleasantries were exchanged and we sat on the plush chairs.

"Rabi'a a kawo musu ruwa" hajiya sa'adatu called to the girl.

She engaged my mum in the usual small talk as I sat silently.

Few minutes gone by and Rabi'a was back with the refreshments and snacks.

"It's unfortunate that uzair isn't home right now but am sure he will be back any moment"

"Ai ba komai, Allah ya kawo shi" mama replied.

"Zainab I hope I have made the right choice for you"

I was startled by the intrusion to my thoughts, the question both surprised and embarrass me at the same time.

Hajiya sa'adatu kept her gaze at me waiting for an answer.

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