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He impatiently tap his foot with a sigh.

"Where in the world are they" he grunted "is it so hard to get a single girl......I should've done this myself" he sighed.

As if on cue, he heard disturbances and as they get closer it increases.

Laila was thrown to Za'afar's feet against her wish as she protested.

"Get up" he commanded.

"I said get up!" He shouted making her scurried to her feet.

He looked at her as he gathered every information related to her,starting from being kabir's girlfriend , and the same girl that has his phone after his death and also the same person that planted the bomb and maybe his father's killer.

"I want you guys to keep a close look on Rabi'a, her whereabouts and everything" two men nodded and proceed to the given task.


"Go to hell!!" Laila shouted spitting at his shoe

"I haven't even start talking " Za'afar smirked.

"Am not going to tell you anything" she added angrily.

"Oh willingly I know you won't " he shrugged "but i will force it out of you if I have to"

"You wish" she laughed

"I know you were behind the bomb attack" he added.

She was quite as she looked at anywhere but him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she shrugged.

"Quit playing games and tell me what exactly happen that night, no lies" he finished bending to her level.

"I still don't know......

She was smacked on the head before she finishes and she hisses looking at the culprit.

"I don't hit women" said Za'afar dismissing kamal "and he won't hesitate to do it again....just tell me the truth and save us the time"

"If you think a little beating will make me talk then you're wrong" she glared spitting blood from the hit.

He sighed smiling ruefully.

"You have no one, but a deranged mother whom depends on you for her treatment and sorry to say she will be dead in less than a minute so,start talking" he finished casually.

"Don't even think about it" she hissed.

"Samir" he called.

A video call was on and two men had her mother strapped to a chair at gunpoint

"No!" She shrieked

"It seems both of you reacted to a desperation of yours, and now it got you all tangled up in a the spiders web"

She gave him a quizzical look.

"Oh, I know of you and Rabi'a....the poor girl you threaten to befriend hanan, the friend no one knows about because they only meet at school, of which she talked hanan into getting an infinity tattoo to match yours" he gestured to the tattoo on her ankle "and don't forget the anklet of cupid which you got one for yourself to match hers too" he can see the sheer surprise on her face , he smiled inwardly and continued "so to make things easier, using hanan as your bait you pretended to be her and that killed hamza wakili" he paused trying to contain the anger surging through him "but unknown to you and your little friend, hanan was already dead and I believe you don't think ghosts are real your friend missed this tiny detail is beyond me" his words dripping with sarcasm and this time around she was dumbfounded and she doesn't care to hide it "you shot him and proceed out of the window......and again you where you not know how to do your job well?" He mocked "clearly you don't" he smirked "And also your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend, kabir,who give you insights of our progress and you were delighted to know that we were off track when we caught ummaru, so you continued your plan, to see me dead...........Now you tell me who's behind all this because for sure it's not you......who are you working for?"

Za'afarWhere stories live. Discover now