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The cool air hit his face and it felt good.

It was immediately after subh and the calm serene moment looks inviting, as he stood by the balcony

He's finally back, back to all the dilemma and dramas of his family.

"Refreshing right" Ridwan stood by his brother


Rasheed could only hum in response because he didn't welcomed the intrusion.

"So, what're you doing today"

"What?" Rasheed gave him a bored look.

"I mean we're back" ridwan gave him an obvious grin "maybe visit, see the area a bit......or maybe" he smirked "you could see zainab"

The dark look that cross Rasheed features prove that he's over the line.


"Get out of my way" he gritted.

Ridwan scurried aside to let him pass.

"Am sorry" he tried apologising "I didn't mean to......

"Just leave..... Please" he replied without giving him a glance.

Ridwan release a sigh and did as he's told giving his brother a pitied look.

Rasheed took a sit after the departure of his brother.

He's not been that long, and he's past is already crawling up to him.


The name still draw shivers down his spine.

But the past should be left where it had been and the future is what we seek now.

He thought it might be different, the feeling might have dissipate, but the moment he's foot touched Aminu kano Airport, followed by a nostalgic feeling, he knew it was just a wishful thinking.

You can't outrun the past when you still have an unfinished business, especially if it runs behind you with equal speed.

A past that ripples even the slightest spark of happiness in his life.

And then there's the guilt, it eats him up every single day and if not careful it might just leave his dust for the wind.

He wouldn't rest until he's had closure, from her, if she will listen to him that is.

But with his mind aching for peace, his heart battered with unshed guilt and agony, he sure will find a way to see her, talk to her, and maybe if she heed to his cry, which he hope so, then he can forgive himself too.


Rabi'a wipe the dripping sweat from her forehead.

Today hajiya sa'adatu had been cruel enough looking at the task at hand.

So many unnecessary duties, like cleaning her late husband's part, flowering the plant which isn't her job, pressing the clothes of those insolent children of hers scrubbing the floors, who even does that now, I think we have something called mop.

"Ughhh" she groaned.

"Why did I even agree to this in the first place"

"Oh because I have a very sister at the brink of death, and no one cares to help unless given something in return" she replied Sarcastically to herself "and people now a days are heartless, so heartless" she whisper screamed.

"Who were you talking to"

The maid quickly scurried to her feet at the intruder only for her shoulders to sag in relief.

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