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She gave a glance at the clock and keep fiddling with her fingers.

It's late night again and he still isn't home.

She's doing her job as a good wife and also because she has to confront him about the pictures, she couldn't wait any longer.

Did he really sent those pictures to her? And why?

She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't hear the door shut.

The clearing of throat brought her out from her reverie.

He stood tall as he hover over her short form although she was sitting but it's no much different than when she stands.

"You should be in your room" his voice rang through the empty house.

"I was waiting for you"

Months passed by and she has learnt to talk to him without stammering and less fear.

"Why would you wait for me" he asked walking away.

"Because we need to talk"

His steps halt and he turn giving her a look.

That's when she noticed his tired eyes, and if this was not so important she would've let him retire to bed.

But if she left it any longer it's going to keep eating her up.

"Please I won't take much of your time it's.......

"Just get to the point" he replied irritated.

"The pictures.....why did you send them, where is my father"

"What pictures" he asked confusion laced in his tone.

"The ones you send hours ago"

"I didn't know what you're talking about"

"You send faruq to gave them to me"

"I didn't send any damn pictures what are you getting at" he gritted.

She moved to the side table and open the box handing him the copies.

If he was surprised he hide it so well.

"Who did you say gave it to you?" His face was emotionless


"I did not send this to you"

"Then who did?" She asked confused.

"That's what am going to find out but you should get to bed now, this is a matter best solved in the morning....give me the rest of them"

She hand him the other two and he tuck them away.

He strides to the stairs without giving her a second glance.

Immediately in his room he dropped his briefcase took of his suit jacket and look at the pictures again.

It truly was ummaru, but who could've done this.

There is no one apart from kawu lawan that know where ummaru is, could it be him, but that would be something he has to find out in the morning.

He trust no one, because he knew everyone is capable of changing, and backstabbing your trustee isn't a new thing.

Guess this is a time for ummaru to go home he thought.

He tiredly massage his temples and head to the bathroom to freshen up.


Maryam couldn't sleep, her thoughts keep swirling around the events of today.

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