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A ten year old maryam sat by the window pane as she watch the kids play yar gala gala, wishing she could join them too.

But that's just a mere wish which isn't in anyway coming true with her father at home.

Malam ummaru, her father, a very strict man, taking in his solid profile, his kind of charisma, he isn't the man you want to mess with, he never laugh with them talk less of playing or praising, he always wears a large scowl when dealing with them, but a different face when with other people.

There father was not very fond of them, maryam could see it, all of them could.

Maryam sigh again as she thought in a few minutes she has to go to the bore hole together with her sisters for a bucket of water, which she has to fetch everyday at exactly 5:00 pm because it took a whole twenty  minutes to reach the bore hole and another twenty to come back, and they have to do that before it gets dark.

That happens twice a day, in the morning, and in the evening when the morning one has finished.

They aren't allowed to go out, unless for school and errand.

And her friends don't come over because of the scary man she called a father, can't blame them for she is scared of him too.

"Maryam, come on yaya is waiting, you have to go, it's almost five" her Junior sister khadija called.

Maryam nodded to her sister without getting her eyes off the playing children.

Sighing for almost the nth time, she got up and picked her pail ready to leave.

She picked her veil putting it half way as she made her way to their compound where her four sisters wait for her impatiently.

And as expected her mum is pounding the or so famous grains like she always does every single day for dinner.

"Mama sai mun dawo" yaya told her.

"OK, be safe" she called as they exited the house.

And then we start the journey to the one and only bore hole in town.


"I even heard that they are planning to elope" Amina replied, which we all called yaya, our eldest sister.

"Really?" Fatima asked astonished at the latest gossip in town.

"That's what I heard" yaya said.

"Maybe it's all a lie"Aisha shrugged.

"I don't think so,because Jamila loved that guy, and she can literally do anything for him even after everything he has done to her parents" yaya replied.

"Hhhm it's like yayi mata asiri fa" Aisha replied.

"Maybe, who knows, since he's the grandson of malam fatihu"

"Malam for where, he didn't deserve the title, that man works with jinns" Rahama piped in for the first time.

"It's just a name, everyone knows he didn't deserve it" yaya rolled her eyes.

They talk all the way, till they reach home, not saying a word to them, maryam proceed to put her own bucket down as she get ready to pray maghrib.


They all make a circle eating their dinner like they did every night of the day, as their father eat at the Zaure  with some of his neighbors.

They were done, as they exchange different kind of stories laughing and smiling.

Maryam wished her family will always be carefree as this, she smiled, at least it's not always so bad.

The clearing of the throat cut off any laughter and wipe away the smile left on either of their faces as they watch the leader of the house stalk towards them.

"I need to talk to your mother and Amina" and that was the others cue to leave.

They all scurried away, leaving mama and Amina with Baba.

There were hushed voices for a while before a loud gasp and something along the line of 'that's final' was heard, and that's when yaya banged the door open  as she wailed in tears.

Maryam and her sisters moved forward to know  what happened to their yaya, but all she did was sob on Fatima's shoulder as she console her.

"Maryam bring her some water" Rahama said.

"OK" maryam nodded and quickly head out for a cup of water.

Making her way back to the room with a cup full of water, maryam almost let it fall by the thundering voice echoing from their father's room, making her stop in her tracks.

"What good have you brought me!!! Tell me, what good have you brought me by giving me not one, not two, but six freaking daughters, what the hell was I suppose to do with them!!! You gave me nothing but a bag full of miseries, because this girls....this girls are nothing but a disgrace, a waste of space and money....and most of all a shame to me !!! I can no longer mingle with my family without feeling inferior to them!!having six freaking girl child isn't enough, but you still Want them to learn!! What are they to learn!!! They belong in the kitchen and taking care of children, nothing more!! and auren Amina sai anyi!! Do your worst I don't fucking care!!!"

Father's voice boomed through the neighborhood.

Maryam can't hear mama's voice but it looks like she's pleading with him.

And raising his hand before maryam could register anything, the cup in her hand fell due to pure shock.....their father just slap their mother.

And that brought his attention to maryam.

"Get the hell out of here!!!" He shouted at maryam. "All of you" as he slammed the door.

But not only maryam witnessed that act, all of them did.

And that was how they spend a sleepless night to the yells and cries of their parents.

Heyyyyy guys, here is the first update on za'afar , its a very different theme from my first book, story of my life.

So here you have it, I hope you like it.

Please vote comment and share like you always do beautiful people😘😘

And don't hesitate to call my attention to any mistake you noticed, that too, very kindly, no harsh comments 😁

See you soon lovelies.💋💋💋

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