Chapter 22

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Two cloaked individuals were running through a forest, looks of pure panic and fear etched on their faces as they ocassionally looked behind them. They were panting hard as they were getting more and more tired. But they knew, the moment they stopped they would die in the most gruesome way they could imagine.

It all started an hour prior, the two were together with the rest of their group, resting in the camp they had set up the day before. Some were drinking and singing songs of victory, others looked less happy with what they had done. Who could blame them? They just slaughtered an entire village of workers. Workers that had done nothing to deserve it no less.

Man: "Still hung up about what we have done?" A man asked as he sat down next to the two. The woman looked at her companion, a boy not even an adult yet.

Boy: "We slaughtered them without any rhyme or reason." He shot back angrily.

Girl: "Calm down brother."

Boy: "How could I Rosa?" He asked his sister.

Man: "Listen to your sister Purpur, after all don't you want to get your wish granted? Who cares if a few useless peasants have to die?" The man let out a chuckle before downing the content of his mug. "Man, that blacksmith had some good stuff in his cellar."

Purpur: "That is not the only thing he had." The boy said sadly. "How are Indigo and Quecksilber?"

Man: "Burried. Their wounds were to severe and they would only have suffered more, leader killed them."

Rosa: "And the one missing?"

Man: "No idea." Came the answer. "You two should join the o-" Two loud caws interrupted the man and the trio turned to look, they saw two crows perched on a nearby branch, staring at them with cold, glowing blue eyes. Before they could notice the glow however the birds took flight again. "Weird. What was I going to say? Ah yes, you should join the others, who knows when you need them to save your backs." The man got up and fixed his own cloak a bit. In the distant a wolf could be heard howling. "Do not leave the safety of camp." With that the sibling were left alone at their little campfire.

Purpur: "Listen Rosa, this is not right, we have to leave."

Rosa: "We are already so far! Soon we will be granted our wish, just a few more weeks and we will have our parents back."

Purpur: "Is that really worth the lives of hundreds? Maybe thousands? What if someone survived and they are just lurking out there?!"

Y/n: "You would be the first to notice." The two swirled around in fright and froze at the sight. "You." He said pointing his bloody axe at Purpur. "I will give you and your sister the chance to escape. Warn the others and you are dead, attack me and you loose your headstart, I will give chase the moment the others are dead so better start running." With that warning Y/n walked past the siblings to the nearest group. The cloak he had taken off of the poor idiot that went for a piss a few minutes ago now hiding his face. Neither of the siblings moved, still too frozen in fear as they had just come face to face with death himself. The, single, cold glaring eye staring right into their souls, the wisps of smoke wafting off of the giants body. They were shook out of their frozen state by the sounds battle. They stared in horror as the man began slaughtering the very drunken men they had previously fought alongside off. Purpur did not hesitate before grabbing his sisters hand and running into the forest. The screams behind them were overshadowed by loud howling of a wolf.

Meanwhile Y/n coldly slaughtered every single person in the camp. Some tried to fight back while others were simply too drunk to act. One by one their heads were cut off or split open, those who tried to run were hit in the backs. Meanwhile Fenrir ripped others to shreds. No mercy was shown to the men that had slaugtered his village. As he neared the last survior, Y/n spoke.

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