Red *Graphic*

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AU - Serial Killer/Psychopath/Stalker

Trigger warning: death, gore, and torture


 There were three things LaFontaine loved in this world more that anything.

One was science. Rather than just asking why things were the way they are, they were also interested in the what or how they are. When they were small, they kept many jars of small insects or animals to document. Once science became a bigger part in school, they were sold. They bought a home science kit fit with a microscope and the works. From then on, they looked at just about everything under those slides. And by everything, literally everything. Some of the samples were taken a bit... unethically.

The second was Perry. The girl that they had known since they were five. The girl with wild curls that couldn’t be tamed most days. The girl who was like a second mother. The girl who kept them grounded. The girl who had kept their experiments ethical, for the most part. The girl who was so beautiful they itched to look inside, to take some of her DNA to see how someone that beautiful could exist. The girl who saw something they didn't. The girl who got angry. The girl who was afraid. The girl who left. But she was never out of LaFontaine's sight. Not even in the 7 years since they had a conversation.

The third and final one was red. Oh, how they loved red. As far back as they could remember, red has always been their favorite color. Although they were colorblind and reds and pinks merged into the same hues, it was the dark reds they liked. The deep, blood reds. Those were their favorites. It wasn't only the color, it was also the smell. Yes, this kind of red had a smell. It was also the feel. The slick, warm, sometimes lumpy reds that covered everything. It sent tingles down their spine.

LaFontaine spent nearly all their free time doing experiments. But ever since they had gotten into high school, Perry became a main focus. Her body grew more beautiful, her hair became more magnificent... She was just all around mesmerizing. LaFontaine had tried to go talk with her but they were so nervous, they babbled about science and their experiments. Perry was still afraid of them. She was still angry. She yelled at them, never wanting to have anything to do with them. But that didn't stop their attraction.

Since Perry didn't want to see LaFontaine, they watched from a distance. They gave her space but she was never out of their radar. LaFontaine took great measures to stay in all Perry's classes and sat close enough to hear her voice every day. They learned, documented, and knew everything about Perry. After school, they would follow her home. They would go everywhere Perry went. By definition, they stalked her.

She was perfect. They were meant to be together. She just didn't know it yet.

There had been a few people who Perry said she was interested in. Every time, they tracked that person down and, in the short sense, threatened them to stay away from her. It worked. It always worked. Until the time that it didn't.

They were in Silas now. It was too easy to apply to the same college. Luckily, Silas had an amazing biology program. What was a little tricky was getting into the same dormitory, especially the same floor. But it was easier to keep an eye on her this way.

One day, Perry wasn't in her usual spot. She wasn't anywhere. They frantically searched the entire campus most of the day, missing classes. By the time they found her, she was leaving the caf with someone. LaFontaine hadn't seen him before. He wasn't one of her normal friends and they would have brushed it off if they hadn't heard the way he complimented Perry or slipped his arm around her shoulders that she didn't shrug off. Something boiled deep inside LaFontaine. Perry was theirs and theirs alone.

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