A Trip to the Lake

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For Creampuff week!


With a sigh, Carmilla flipped the page of her book. The place was beautiful, but this wasn’t her thing (somehow getting dragged into all this) and she was glad that Laura let her read. Her body was covered heavily with sunscreen and she was wearing sunglasses. She wore a bikini but wore really short black shorts, that was a little better than the bottoms of her swimsuit, over it.

Carmilla still didn’t know exactly how she got conned into this but she couldn’t leave now. Not with everyone here like this. She might have been okay with this if it was just her and Laura but everyone just had to come along.

Laura’s dad had owned a cabin up in the mountains on a lake, which sounded like a romantic trip. It probably would have if everyone else wasn’t here. She looked up from her book when she heard a scream, watching the others mess around.

Laura, LaFontaine, Danny, and Kirsch (which was three too many people) were all playing king of the hill in the raft a little ways out from the beach where Carmilla sat. She watched as Laura (who looked damn good in her bikini) pushed Kirsch off as he was preoccupied with trying to get Danny off. Her lips pulled in a prideful half smile for a second. LaFontaine was climbing up on the raft, quickly reaching for Laura’s ankle. Carmilla just rolled her eyes, not understanding the point of constantly pushing people into the water. Her eyes turned to Perry, who was laying on the dock. Perry just laid there, reading as well, and working on a little tan but occasionally looked up at the loud group in the raft.

Carmilla just didn’t understand what was so fun so she returned to her book, quickly getting absorbed in it. She hadn’t even noticed the people approaching her. Before she could even realize what was going on, she was in the air.

Danny and Kirsch held her arms and LaFontaine and Laura had her legs, easily lifting the struggling vampire up in the air.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Carmilla yelled, trying to get out of everyone’s grip.

"It’s time for a little dip," Danny grinned, a bit too happy about this.

No!" Carmilla struggled more but she could barely do anything if she didn’t want to get dropped on her ass.

The four carried the angry vampire off the beach and onto the deck.

"What in the world is going on?" Perry stood up, watching the scene play out.

"Grumpy kitty needs a bath," LaFontaine chuckled as they passed the wild haired girl.

"Put me down!" Carmilla growled.

"Okay, ready guys?" Kirsch smiled at everyone before they all took her by the wrists and ankles.

They swung her back and forth, gaining momentum whilst counting to three before they let her go, flying into the lake. The four laughed, hearing the vampire nearly scream. After a few seconds, she broke the surface of the water, glaring at them.

"I swear you all are just overgrown children!

"Oh, come on. It’s fun!" Kirsch smiled at Carmilla, ignoring her low growling.

Danny and LaFontaine shared a plotting glance, suddenly thinking the same thing. LaFontaine pointed from Danny to Kirsch then them to Laura.

"Oh, really? Maybe you should join her then!" Danny said as she shoved Kirsch and LaFontaine pushed Laura off the dock into the water, creating a splash that also hit Carmilla.

The two laughed and slapped each other’s hand. Then, by surprise, LaFontaine shoved Danny off the dock.

"Ugh! Traitor!" Danny laughed as soon as she came to the surface of the water but LaFontaine was just laughing.

"I don’t understand all this. I mean, someone could get hurt," Perry chimed in, getting a little motherly.

"Oh, come on, Perr. It’s fun," LaFontaine said, turning around to look at her.

"Really? Just shoving people in is fun?

"Yeah," LaFontaine chuckled.

"And you just shove people? Like this?" Perry grinned and pushed LaFontaine. She didn’t push hard enough for them to instantly go in the water but it set them off balance so they fell back into it. Perry couldn’t help but burst out laughing. "You’re right, that is fun!"

Once LaFontaine came to the surface, they glanced over at Danny and the two just nodded. They swam back to shore and walked down the dock towards Perry.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Perry asked, turning around and her smile falling.

"Oh, nothing," LaFontaine shrugged, their hands behind their back.

"Yeah, nothing," Danny grinned, her hands behind her back too.

"No," Perry smiled, trying to ease the mood. "No, no, no," her smile fell as she was slowly being cornered. She quickly, and stupidly, tried to run past the two. They caught her quickly and rushed her to the end of the dock. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" Perry protested, struggling to get free, but they didn’t listen.

With two grins and a scream, Perry was thrown into the water. The two slapped each other’s hands again, laughing at Perry’s wild curls that were somewhat flattened by the water. Danny grinned then pushed LaFontaine into the water before diving in herself.

"You’re gonna get it, LaFontaine!" Perry shouted, swimming towards the two that threw her in.

"Only if you catch me first!" LaFontaine grinned, turning to swim back to the raft.

Danny swam along side them, not really wanting to be caught by an angry Perry. Kirsch followed just behind Perry, not wanting to miss out on the next round of king of the hill.

By this time, Carmilla had swam to the shore and stomped out of the water, yelling about getting stuck with splashing toddlers. Laura quickly rushed after her.

"Carm, wait!" Laura ran to where Carmilla was drying herself off. "Come on, we were just fooling around. Don’t go just yet,"

Carmilla was about to give in, not able to say no to Laura’s puppy dog eyes when she wanted something, but all that got interrupted by whip cracking sounds being made from the raft.

UGH!" Carmilla groaned, flipping the people on the raft off before stomping up to the cabin with Laura in tow.

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