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For Creampuff week!


Perry sighed and set her pencil on the desk. She slumped forward over her textbook, tracing small circles into her temples. 'Is this ever gonna end?' She thought, letting her head fall back.

A knock at the door made Perry’s head snap right up and turn to the noise, instantly going into floor don mode despite her creeping headache. Just as she was about to get up, the door opened. Perry smiled at the sheepish ginger that walked into their room.

"Hey LaFontaine,"

"Hey Perr. You busy?" They asked.

"I guess," Perry shrugged.

"You guess?"

"Well, I’ve been studying for about…" She paused to glance at a clock. "Two hours now,"

"Great, let’s take a break,"

"A break? Lafontaine, I have a test in a few days and-"

"Seriously, Perr? You’ve been studying most of your nights away the past week and a half. When’s the last time you took a break?" They crossed their arms.

"Easy! I took a break…" Her eyes darted across the room as if the answer was hiding somewhere she couldn’t see. "Well… I made some tea yesterday,"

"That’s not a break, Perr,"

"Okay," she shifted in her chair, her eyes going back to LaFontaine. "So, what did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking… Maybe you’d like to go on a picnic?"

"A picnic? It’s been a while since we’ve had a picnic,” she smiled faintly, remembering the last time they had a picnic. “Who’s all coming?"

"No one. It’ll be just us,"


"Yep. No Laura, no Carmilla, no Danny. Just us,"

"I don’t know, Lafontaine. I’ve got to study," Perry shrugged.

"Oh, come on. Your book will still be here when we get back. You can study then,"

"I-I don’t know-"

"Come on, Perr. It’ll be fun," Lafontaine could see that Perry was going to try to dodge the offer again. "You’re coming with me or else! And you don’t wanna know what I’ve got stored for 'or else',”

Perry sighed, knowing she’d lose this argument. “Okay, fine,”

"Yes!" Lafontaine beamed.

"So, when are we going?"

"Right now,"

"R-right now?"

"Yeah. Pack up a book and some blankets, we’re going on a picnic!" Lafontaine smiled, reaching for a blanket.

"Aaaand we’re here," Lafontaine smiled, setting down the basket and pulling out one of the blankets. They laid it down under a big tree to shield the sun from their eyes.

They had led the two into the woods next to Silas, up in the mountains a bit. It wasn’t too far into the woods but it was enough to call it a hike. Perry looked around the clearing, breathing a little heavily from the trek up here.

"It’s nice…" Perry muttered, going to sit down on the blanket.

"I know, right? Found this place on a field experiment," they sat down right next to Perry.

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