First Date *Explicit*

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A prompt from an anon on tumblr


They had been thinking exactly what to say for the past month and it was all coming down to the big moment. All day had been spent rehearsing the words in their head and fighting off anxiety attacks. Before they knew it, it was after school and they were pacing outside of the German Club’s meeting.

The words repeated over and over in their head between deep gasps of air to calm the knots forming and clumping in the pit of their stomach. Soon enough, the meeting ended and all the members came filing out in pairs or trios speaking in German to practice.

"Susan?" Perry smiled.

"Yeah, hey Perr," their heart swelled.

"You gonna drive me home?" Perry grinned, walking up to LaFontaine and grabbing onto the straps of her backpack.

"Uh, yeah," LaFontaine nodded, stuffing their hands in their pockets.

They walked together, pretty leisurely, down the hallway towards the parking lot.

"So, uh… H-How was German Club?"

Perry shrugged. “Okay. The new exchange student seems pretty cool,”

"Yeah, I think they’re in my science class,"

"Have you talked to her?"

"Uh… No-not really… I waved at her once,"

"You should talk to her sometime. She needs some more friends,"

They made it to the parking lot and LaFontaine bit their lip, anxiety creeping back in. Perry got in the car first and LaFontaine stood outside, taking very deep breaths to calm down. After a few seconds, they open the door and sat down. This was the time to tell her. But words were failing. They just stared at the steering wheel.

"Umm, Susan?" Perry asked after almost a minute of sitting in silence. "Sweetie, what’s wrong?" She placed a hand on LaFontaine’s shoulder.

Their heart sped up at the pet name, it always did, and the touch. They swallowed a growing lump in their throat.

"Uhh… I had something… I wanted to ask you…" LaFontaine sheepishly looked over at Perry.

"Okay, what is it?" Perry turned more towards the short haired ginger.

"Ummm.." Their voice wavered. There was literally no where to go, and they’d have to say something once the two got back to Perry’s place. "I-I…" They stammered, sticking a hand into their bag. "W-would you umm… W-well… I-I like you,"

Perry smiled a little. “Well, I like you, too,”

"That’s not what I meant, well, I mean I like you. But I… Ever since we were little, you meant so much to me and always did so much for me. I mean, we practically live together…" They smiled at Perry, a second too long, before clearing their throat. The rehearsed words were coming back to them. "Anyway, I… Ever since.. Well… We were in middle school I noticed I felt this certain way about you." LaFontaine could swear that the temperature in the car skyrocketed. “And when we started high school, I figured out… I.. I like you… Like, like you, like you,”

Perry’s eyes widened a little, a blush creeping into her cheeks. She looked down for a second before grinning. “I was actually planning on telling you this tonight but… I… Like you, like you, too,” At first, LaFontaine was floored. They had fantasized about Perry saying this but they ruled it out as a "never would happen in a million years". Well, those million years passed by quickly. “I mean, I’ve started to become more…” Perry hid behind a few strands of curls that fell in front of her face, her gaze falling to the floor. “Attracted to you since high school started and I… I just had to tell you,” Perry breathed out the last part, half scared LaFontaine was about to pass out.

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