Missing Yesterday (Part 9)

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It's easy to forget. Perry knew this. She’s seen it everyday. She’s seen it in LaFontaine. She’s seen it in how they walk around without yesterday's problems weighting them down. How they don't remember if they embarrassed themselves the day previous. How they get angry when she tries to remind them of something she said.

Yes, angry. They get so very angry. It's understandable but it hurts. It hurts not only Perry but also LaFontaine.

One day, they got so angry when Perry was trying to remind them of plans for later that day. LaFontaine had made plans for that night instead. Perry shouldn't have pushed, but she didn't know that at the time. So she pushed. She had told them before, three times in fact. It seemed that the more you repeated something each day, the more likely LaFontaine was to remember it.

She had accidentally yelled out "I’ve told you three times already!" She had meant that towards herself, saying that they should have remembered something by now, but LaFontaine just got more angry.

"No you didn't!" They shouted back and having been in this argument for at least 20 minutes, their patience was just about gone. Without really thinking, their fist swung and hit the wall. They weren’t really aiming for anything but they had to do something just to get all of the pent up anger out.

The argument stopped. Perry instantly rushed to them and tried to help their bleeding hand. In the end, she took them to student health services and luckily nothing was broken.

At the end of the day, the two didn't go on either of their planned events. Instead they just stayed in bed, silently apologizing to each other.

The next morning, LaFontaine woke up to a sore hand covered in gauze so they slowly sat up to look at it. They took the gauze off slowly, tearing the trying-to-heal cuts and making them bleed again.

Perry woke up, hearing them make pained noises. She sat up and looked at their hand, feeling apologetic all over again.

"Why is my hand so busted up? It looks like I punched a wall or something," LaFontaine joked.

Perry had a straight face, glancing to the hole in the wall that she had to go get arrangements to fix. LaFontaine followed her gaze and their smile dropped.

"Did I... Did I do that?"

"Yeah..." Perry looked down.

"Hey, Perr..." They cupped her cheek, making her look up at them. "Why are you so sad?"

"Because I made you punch the wall..."

"No you didn't,"

Perry was a bit hesitant to argue but she thought a little before she spoke. "I did. You don't remember but I made you angry,"

"Why don't I remember? I'd know if I got angry,"

Perry looked sadly into their eyes and cupped their cheek, mirroring what they were doing to her. "You don't remember because you have amnesia,"

LaFontaine smiled a little, thinking it was a joke at first, but after seeing Perry's serious expression they knew it had to be true. Their smile dropped in time with their hand.

"I do?"

"Yeah..." Perry's hand fell from their face.

"How long?"

"Well, you were in a car crash on September 26th,"

"But... That's today..."

"No, sweetie. That was more than a month ago,"

"A month?" LaFontaine was surprised to hear that long had gone past.

Perry nodded sadly. "You were in a coma for a week after the accident. Then you stayed in the hospital for three weeks until your casts came off," Her words were heavy in the air, the memories coming back to plague her mind. The endless worry, the constant fear that while she was in class they had somehow died, that something would go wrong and they’d be paralyzed forever...

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