Missing Yesterday (Part 14 FINAL)

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Last chapter! Here ya go, guys~


LaFontaine refused to leave Perry after that Saturday. The two might as well have been attached at the hip. They slept next to her at night and would keep her in their arms even hours after both of them were awake. Perry didn't mind at all. With LaFontaine around it was easy to forget her problems. It made her forget how lonely and depressing the hospital was.

On Sunday in the afternoon, Carmilla, Danny, and Laura came back and everyone was together again. All five of the friends laughed and joked around (well, apart from Carmilla) all day. Danny even brought a little home cooked dinner for all of them to share before the three had to head out, giving the lovebirds some time alone.

As soon as the three girls left them alone, LaFontaine climbed on Perry's bed. Perry just smiled and scooted over to make room.

"How're you feeling?" LaFontaine asked, wrapping an arm around their girlfriend.

"I'm fine, I keep telling you!" Perry said through a laugh.

"I don't believe you. Actually tell me how you feel,"


"As a person of science, I would like to know how you're feeling,"

Perry rolled her eyes and sighed. "Oookay," she gave in. "I feel fine. My legs feel a little weak because I've been in bed all day but I'm fine," Perry fibbed. She could feel pressure on her brain but she'd never tell that to LaFontaine. She would tell the doctors once LaFontaine left. LaFontaine had been worried for too long about her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure,"

Together they watched a movie, another one of Perry's favorites. She knew this one wasn't one of LaFontaine's favorite and they weren't paying much attention. Perry looked over at LaFontaine just about half way through the movie. She didn't want them to leave again but they had classes tomorrow. Oh, no. It was the beginning of spring break tomorrow. She should be in Germany right now but... LaFontaine felt Perry's eyes on them and turned to look. Their eyes connected and they smiled at her.

"What?" LaFontaine mumbled through a little laugh.

"Are you gonna leave tonight?" Perry whispered.

"I don't know. Do you want me to?" LaFontaine smiled and answered in the same low tone as Perry's question.

She couldn't help but glance at their lips as they spoke. "Do you want to?"

LaFontaine's eyes flittered down to her lips too. "I don't know... Do you want me to?"

Perry laughed a little, leaning up and connecting their lips together. Her chest swelled as she breathed in their breath, shivers scampering up and down her arms and legs. She knew that LaFontaine wouldn't remember that she felt this way tomorrow but for now, in this moment, it was everything.

LaFontaine pulled away a little too quickly for Perry's liking. She whined a little and pecked their lips gently.

"LaFontaine... I love you..." she whispered lowly.

"I love you too, forever and ever," they whispered back and nuzzled their forehead against her's.

Soon after the movie ended, they fell asleep laying next to each other in the small hospital bed. It was a little cramped but almost comfortable, nonetheless.


A soft glint of sunlight hit their face from between the window blinds, stirring them from their sleep. With a low, deep breath they slowly opened their eyes against the sun. Their eyebrows furrowed once they realized they were in an unfamiliar room. Slowly, they sat up against their lazy-from-sleep, protesting muscles and looked around. A hospital room?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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