Missing Yesterday (Part 12)

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A steady pulsing beep slowly reached her ears. It seemed to get louder and louder. It was so annoying. Someone needs to shut it off. Although, it sounded very familiar...

She wanted to roll over, to cover her face from the light and continue the rest her body craved. But this wasn't normal rest. Her body didn't feel the lazy type of relaxed when she slept. Her limbs felt heavy, pained even. Her chest felt weird, almost like it was too thick for her internal organs to fit right, and her heart felt like it was being restricted from beating. What was this?

A strange kind of awareness came to her nose and arm. There was something up her nostrils and something in her arm. The sudden awareness sent a little chill up to the back of her neck. She had to open her eyes. What was going on? She didn't remember falling asleep.

Her eyelids felt like cement had sealed them shut. She didn't have enough energy to do much but after a lot of struggling, her eyelids parted and the harsh light hit her face.

The hospital?


LaFontaine had been like a statue for the past two hours, just staring at the door that shielded Perry from the rest of the world. From them. They had been sitting in a waiting room ever since the whole group had arrived at the hospital. One second, everything's fine and everyone's having fun in Laura's room then the next thing they knew... Perry was as pale as the wall and she just... dropped to the floor. The next few minutes were a blur but they do remember the paramedics dragging Perry away and the ride inside the ambulance.

It was their fault. They had pushed her to come to Laura's room when all she wanted to was lay down and sleep away the headache. Could a headache do this?

LaFontaine was trapped in their mind. Perry was hurt. Perry was hurt. Would they remember that later? Quickly, they pulled out a pen from their back pocket and wrote on their arm "Perry's hurt".

They didn't know if she was okay. No one did. The doctors hadn't let any of them in ever since they wheeled her away and the nurse threatened to restrain them for trying to fight to see Perry. Luckily Danny and Laura were there to calm them down enough to sit in a chair. And that's where they've been ever since then. Well, other then getting up to ask if they can go see Perry every twenty minutes.

Carmilla's shown up and has been trying to console Laura. Danny and Kirsch were sitting next to each other, each wanting to say something but neither thinking anything was good enough.

LaFontaine was staring at Perry's door. She was laying behind that door. Was she awake? Was she still passed out? They needed to know. They needed to know before they forgot. The nurse was just sitting doing some paperwork at the nurses station only a few meters away. With a sigh, they gathered enough strength to stand and shuffle to the nurses station.


"I don't know if you can go see her, sit down and I will check in a few minutes," The nurse said before LaFontaine could get another word out.

"But you said that 20 and half minutes ago!"

The nurse sighed, letting her head hang for a second before looking up to meet their gaze. "You won't stop bugging me until you go see her, will you?" LaFontaine just shook their head and earned another sigh from the nurse. "Alright," she said, getting up onto her tired, aching feet. "Let's go,"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, before I change my mind,"

LaFontaine smiled a little before the horrors of what might possibly be behind the door plagued their mind. Their smile dropped and the weight of the situation dropped over them again. It was a short walk, almost too short, to the room. Suddenly the door was looming over them and anxiety flittered through the pit of their stomach. What if Perry was still out? What if Perry was dead? What if it was all their fault?

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