You're a What? *Explicit*

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I was requested to write some LaFerry smut, which I will always be up to, then my hands slipped and out popped vamp!LaF. I REALLY like vamp!LaF so I got a bit carried away. This one's a bit long.


“Are you sure?” the concerned voice questioned for the million and a half time. “You know that there’s no going back, right?”

A deep breath. “Yes. I am aware,”

“It’ll take a few days. You’ll need to stay here,”

“I know,”

“The world will be different,”

“And that’s what I need to document,” Determined eyes met apprehensive ones.

“… You got everything?”

“It’s all in the duffle bag outside,” A shiver made it’s way through each of their bodies. Neither really liked being in this cold, concrete room they found deep in the catacombs of Silas, but it was the only way to keep everyone safe.

“… Are you sure?” the voice questioned once again.

A nod. “I’m ready,” A knife glinted in the light.

One, two, three, four, five.


One, two, three, four, five.


Where were they? It’s been hours since they should have been out of class and she hadn’t gotten a text. A call. Nothing.


Perry had been pacing for a good half hour. She knew she shouldn’t be worried, but she was. Anything can happen at Silas. Especially if they were in the lab again.


No new messages. Really, where were they?

“Where are you?”

“in lab”

That place never sat right with Perry. She didn’t like it. Anything could go wrong. Luckily, the only bad things that came out of it so far was a weird gel that she could never quite get out of their sink and most of LaFontaine’s hair burning off.

“Will you be back soon?”

“experiment will take a few days, gotta keep watching it”

“Is it a project?”


“Do you have partners?”


“Can’t they watch it?”

“theyre lazy. they dumped that part on me”

Something about that didn’t seem right with Perry. She bit her lip and she erased what she was going to ask about the experiment.

“How long?”

No response. Perry started pacing again. Why weren’t they replying? It even says that they saw it.

“four days”

“Four days???”

“its a long experiment”

“Just… text me often, okay?”

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