Missing Yesterday (Part 13)

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"So," the doctor sighed. This part of the job never got any easier. "We know what caused you to faint,"

"Oh, that's good," Perry smiled optimistically.

"It's also the cause of your headaches. Or at least, that's what I believe,"

"O-okay..." She didn't like where he was going or the tone that he was using.

The doctor sighed once more. "You have a brain hemorrhage,"

Perry's smile fell. "So..."

"There's... bleeding in your brain. It looks like it was a weak blood vessel that just couldn't take it anymore and burst during a headache or a time of high blood pressure. The blood must have caused a lot of pressure on your brain so I think that's what caused all those really bad headaches,"

"Oh..." Perry's gaze fell as a chill ran through her body. How would LaFontaine react? "Is..." She looked back up. "Is it fatal?"

"Well... Potentially. But since you've lasted this long, usually it can go away on its own if we just keep your vitals stable,"

Perry sighed from relief. There was a chance. "So what are you going do?"

"Well, since there's not much I can do without surgery, and you seem stable enough that it's not in dire need, we're going to check you into the hospital so we can keep an eye on your vitals,"

"Okay, thanks doctor,"

The doctor smiled a little and tried to look at comforting as he could. "I'm going to go tell your friends now then let them have a moment with you,"

"Okay," Perry smiled, trying to keep in a positive mood even though her whole body felt completely numb.

She watched as the doctor nodded then got up and walked calmly out the door. The corners of her lips fell slowly as she thought of the doctor telling LaFontaine right now. Would they remember tomorrow? Were they crying? Were they angry? Perry just laid there, looking at the wall across from her. Everything seemed meaningless but at the same time, it was kind of overwhelming.

The door opened loudly and Perry jumped at the sudden noise. LaFontaine marched right in, straight to the side of the bed, then instantly put their arms around Perry into a tight embrace. Perry blinked a couple of times. Did she see a tear rolling down LaFontaine's face?

"Oh, Perry," LaFontaine muttered out in a sob.

Perry felt like crying too. She felt like crying her eyes out and holding onto LaFontaine with all her strength. But she couldn't. She had to be strong for the both of them.

"Perry, I'm sorry,"

"Don't be. I'll be fine,"

LaFontaine looked up at Perry. She had a flashback of when they were kids and someone had taken and smashed all of little LaFontaine's bug jars. LaFontaine had the same despaired look and Perry felt the same as she did back then. She couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't make a difference. All she could do was sit and comfort LaFontaine.

"You'll 'be fine'? You have a brain hemorrhage!" They sobbed. Tears spilled out of their red eyes and down their cheeks. Perry wiped one away.

"The doctor said he'd check me into the hospital and they'll keep my vitals okay. He said that it usually can fix itself,"

"'Usually' is too much of a gamble, Lola!" LaFontaine shouted, suddenly angry, and Perry flinched at the harsh tone. It reminded her too much of LaFontaine's dad.

LaFontaine felt a hand on their shoulder and they turned to look at it's owner. Danny was standing behind them. They sighed and stood up, wiping away more tears. Harsh, dark black marks against their pale skin caught Perry's attention. She read the writing on their arm. "Perry's hurt" "Perry's getting help"

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