Missing Yesterday (Part 8)

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LaFontaine stirred as the sun shined through the window and into their eyes. Something tickled their nose, making them crack an eye open. A familiar mess of curls lay spread out in front of them and they smiled a little, closing their eyes again. They successfully fell back asleep for a while.

The next time they woke up was because of the closing of the door. They rolled over, scanning over the room sleepily. It was probably time to wake up. They had to get up and do things like a normal human would in the morning rather than sleep it all away. With a sigh, they flipped on their back and accidentally drifted back asleep.

They woke up a few minutes later and shook their head. It was time to get up. With a groan, LaFontaine sat up and rubbed their face a little. They forced themselves to stand up and shuffle to the bathroom to brush their teeth. But something seemed missing. They couldn't put their finger on it but something was just off.

When they finished brushing their teeth, they shuffled back out and went to their dresser. They grabbed the first clothes they found and got dressed. Just as they were pulling down their over shirt, the door opened.

They turned around, wondering who would barge into their room so early in the morning. In the doorway stood a girl with the curls that they vaguely remember seeing this morning.

"Oh, you're up," she smiled big and shut the door behind her with her foot, carrying two plates of food in her hands. She walked over and gave them one. "I made you breakfast,"

For a second, they couldn't remember who this girl was and why she was offering them breakfast. But as soon as they looked into her eyes, everything clicked. It was one of those mornings, LaFontaine figured. They grinned and looked at the plate of food, their stomach rumbling.

"Thanks, Perr. This looks amazing and I'm starving," they said, sitting down on their bed and started to practically shovel the food in their mouth.

Perry smiled back, sitting down next to them. "Glad you like it. Thought you could use a good breakfast today, with being back at Silas and all,"

They were slightly confused. Perry said "being back". When did they leave?

"But, anyway. Student health services excused you from all your classes for the day to get you used to the campus after being gone for so long,"

So long? Get used to the campus? They already knew the campus. It wasn't their first year and school had already been going for a little more than a month.

Before they could ask, someone knocked at the door. Perry set down her plate and quickly went to the door, switching into floor don mode in an instant. She opened the door, expecting it to be a troubled girl but instead Danny was there.

"Oh, hi Danny," she smiled, slipping out of floor don mode.

"Hey Perry. Just wanted to check on you two before you went to class,"

"Oh, LaFontaine got permission to miss all classes today,"

"Really? Lucky! I have so many essays to grade in my TA class," Danny groaned. "I wish I didn't have to show up,"

"Oh, don't say that. Anyway, I just made some breakfast so we’re still eating. Do you want to come in?" Perry offered.

"Yeah, sure," Danny shrugged.

She walked in and sat down on a chair, pulling it from a desk. They all talked together until the food was gone. After that, the three left and met up with Laura in the quad. They chatted until Perry and Laura had to leave for class.

LaFontaine spent the rest of the day bouncing around from friend to friend in between their classes. Even though they loved that they didn't have class, it was actually super boring.

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