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First one down, woo!

It's kinda got a bit of LaFerry in it but this was a little head canon I thought up. Well, I don't actually know if anyone else thought of this.

BUT this is what I think happened the night that the vamps took LaF



LaF was working in the bio lab, late, on a project that was due the next day. It was dark by the time they were done and since they didn't score on the fucking Zeta's hotness scale at a "7.5 or higher" they were walking alone. It was insulting that they didn't score at least at a 7.5 or higher. Those pricks. But then again, LaF didn't want to be walked around campus like a toddler who couldn't freaking walk by themselves.

The campus was really creepy at night, things were always seeming to move just out of your periphery. Juuust enough to make you think something was there then when you check its just a moving branch.

Tonight, though. Tonight, something was off. Maybe it was the alchemy club arguing, which they never do, or maybe it was the odd chill that was in the air that didn't fit the weather earlier today. It also could have been the fact that LaF hadn't slept in a few days. Whatever it was, something was just... Off.

They were almost there. Almost to the dorm when something looked like it was on the wall of the building...? Damn it, this lack of sleep was really getting to LaF. Just a little bit longer and they'd be in the comfortable dorm. But before LaF could get any sleep, they had to go say goodnight to Perry. Yes, they were mid-fight but she was probably asleep by now and without it, she can't sleep well. Then maybe, just maybe they could squeeze in a few hours before waking up to study for a test.

The familiar trek up to their floor was harder than usual from lack of sleep and unconsciously went to Perry's door. Oh, how many times they've been there, today alone. Going to talk to their... best friend before realizing that Perry probably hates their guts and leaving. Dispite their argument, just like always, Perry's door was cracked open a little when she was waiting for her "goodnight" from LaF. Only, today... Something was... Different...

LaF shook it off and opened the door slowly.

"Hey, Perr," they started, talking quietly so if Perry was asleep she wouldn't wake up. "Sorry to keep you waiting but-" LaF stopped mid sentance.

This couldn't be sleep deprivation anymore. There were people, who LaF couldn't quite make out their faces in the darkness, in Perry's dorm room. WHILE SHE'S SLEEPING. This was by no means okay.

"Who the hell are you?" LaF questioned harshly.

The strange people's attention shifted to them.


"Will..." LaF grinded their teeth together. There was always something off with him.

"Seems like you're in the wrong place at the wrong time," Will grinned, almost wickedly.

"What were you trying to do to Perry?" LaF questioned, clenching their fists so tight it hurt.

"Nothing that she would remember,"

And with that, something snapped. LaF launched themself at Will, preparing a punch straight to the face, all hardcore-like, but in a flash he wasn't there anymore. LaF stumbled a bit once they noticed he wasn't there before regaining balance. They quickly turned their aim towards the two others when their wrists were grabbed.

"Not so fast..." Will chuckled.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" LaF struggled to get loose.

"Shhh... You'll wake her up,"

Adrenaline pumped through their veins and with one well timed jerk, one of LaF's hands was free. Without thinking, they punched Will straight in the jaw. He let go of their other wrist and LaF took this opportunity to run.

"Get her!" Will shouted, snapping his jaw back in place.

The other two quickly followed LaF down the hall. LaF's room wasn't too far away from Perry's so it didn't take much time at all to reach it. LaF darted in, full blown panic setting in. They shut the door and put the chain lock on.

Now what? Shit. They didn't think this far. LaF looked around their room for a weapon. ANYTHING that would give them the slightest chance of surviving this.

Before they could do anything, the door opened, ripping the chain lock off the wall. Fuck. The closest thing LaF could grab was a pillow. So they flung that at the two, sharp toothed individuals that LaF realized were vampires. What was with this school and vampires?

"Seriously? That's the best you could do?" One of them mocked.

Reaching back for their night stand, they grabbed the Thursday bear spray(even though it wasn't Thursday). LaF's hands were shaking now but they still managed to spray it in one of the vampire's faces which made him collapse to the ground, yelling in pain. Thank goodness that they took the bear spray away from Laura, because who needs all that freaking bear spray in the first place?

Before LaF could spray the other, the bottle was knocked out of their hands. The vampire launched himself at LaF but they quickly darted away.

"Stay still!" the vampire yelled, turning and launching himself again at LaF but now, he was aiming for the throat. How was no one hearing this?

In panic, LaF just dropped to the floor and the vampire hit the book case, knocking all the books off. They quickly got up and scrambled for the softball bat sitting in the corner of the room. In a blink of an eye, LaF was on the ground. The vampire had them by the ankles.

"Gotcha now," he grinned, flashing his teeth.

LaF quickly kicked back into the vampire's face, sucsessfully freeing their ankles. Now, it was bat time. Grabbing the bat with an iron grip, LaF readied themselves for the incoming vampires but not that incoming. Just as LaF turned around, the vampire that they had sprayed was up. Their eyes were bloodshot and growing puffy but LaF had never seen a more furious expression. The vampire hit LaF in the face and quickly put them in a choke hold.

"You," the vampire that got kicked in the face got up, touching his bloody nose and chuckling. "You got some spunk, kid,"

"Thanks, really appreciate it," LaF sarcastically grunted out.

"Too bad we gotta sacrifice you. You would have made a great vampire,"

"S-Sacrafice?" LaF gasped, trying to breathe.

"Come on, we gotta get back to Mother," Will said, walking into the room like he was the shit.

And just like that, they escaped through the window, dragging a very unwilling LaFontaine with them. Only a tiny note card was left behind in the trashed room that Perry would soon find in the morning.

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