Missing Yesterday (Part 6)

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Their eyelids felt like they had been rusted shut, nearly protesting when they tried to open. The first few blinks around were blurry but the world soon came into view. They were looking at… a ceiling? The heart rate monitor beeped fast and loud in their ears. Wait, heart rate monitor? They were in a hospital?

LaFontaine had been in a hospital before, several times to be honest, but waking up in one is a different story. They wanted to turn, to look around and see what was going on but they’re neck refused to move. It almost felt like something was preventing it from doing so. They panicked. What was going on? What happened?

Then, Perry came into view. The panic subsided all but instantly when their eyes met Perry’s. They wanted to smile but something was wrong. Her eyes were filled with tears but looked so happy yet sad at the same time. What was going on?

“LaFontaine?” Perry questioned like she thought it wasn’t real. LaFontaine’s chest swelled with amazement when Perry didn’t say “Susan”.

“Perr?” LaFontaine surprised themselves at the low gruffness of their voice.

More tears were threatening to fall from Perry’s eyes and they tried to reach up to wipe them away but their stiff arm protested any movement. Also, they noticed that Perry was holding their hand which made their heart start to pound in a different way.

Just then, two nurses busted through the door.

“Is she seizing?” One of them asked loudly, rushing over to LaFontaine. The commotion stirred the sleeping girls on the other side of the room. LaFontaine tried to sit up when they came in but quickly laid back down with a pained groan. That’s when they noticed how much their body was stiffly sore.

“N-No, she’s not,” Perry mumbled lowly, stumbling out of the way of the nurses.

LaFontaine was confused and scared with one nurse hurriedly checking everything they were hooked up to and the other bent over them with a panicked expression. They gripped onto Perry’s hand with an iron grip, much like they had done when they were kids and LaFontaine was getting yelled at or had to face a situation where they were scared.

The nurse carefully checked everything before turning to LaFontaine. “Do you know where you are?” One of them asked.

“I-in the hospital?” What were they suppose to say?

“I’ll get the doctor,” the other nurse said before she left.

“Are you confused?” The nurse asked.

“Uh, yeah. Why did you barge in? And why can’t I move my neck?”

“I feel like that is more of a conversation for the doctor…” The nurse looked to Perry before leaving the room to find the doctor.

“What-what are they talking about?” LaFontaine asked, becoming worried but also amused because, thanks to the heart monitor, they had never heard themselves be nervous before.

“Well…” Perry moved into LaFontaine’s small field of vision. She glanced at the monitor, not liking how fast it was beeping. “You… You were in a car crash. A hit-and-run. No one really knows what happened but you… You were-”

“You’re awake!” The doctor greeted as he walked into the room, cutting Perry off and successfully waking up the other girls.

“A-awake?” LaFontaine looked over at Perry. “How long was I asleep?”

“You were in a coma,” the doctor said instead.

“Coma?” The question was full of curiosity, amazement, and slight excitement. They had to document what they remembered. For science.

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