The Dean

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Hey, look this one’s not angst!

And it’s also one of my better attempts of something like this.

This takes place during episode 10 then bleeds into episode 11 at the end

Today has been a hard day to focus. LaFontaine has tried before, several times in fact, to explain their gender to their friends. They want to tell Perry first because she’s the one who means to most to them. And if they could tell Perry, then let’s face it, they could tell just about anybody. The thing stopping them, most times, is just plain anxiety and blurting something out which changed the entire conversation.

The painfully familiar grip of anxiety in their chest made it difficult to breathe. There was still two classes and a project to work on before they'd even see Perry again today but even thinking about it made their heart race. LaFontaine took a deep breath and tried to forget about it, for the time being at least.

To be honest, after that time flew until they were walking back to the dorm. A sudden grasp of anxiety clenched around LaFontaine's chest. How do you even have this conversation with someone like Perry? LaFontaine groaned, feeling so unprepared and not liking all the variables and possible outcomes. Stuck thinking about all this, LaFontaine subconsciously led themselves to Perry's door.

Fuck. Now what? They had spent all this time worrying rather than trying to go through what actually to say.

LaFontaine was ripped from their thoughts by the door opening.

"Oh, Susan. Err- LaFontaine," Perry greeted. She was wearing her latex gloves and a harsh chemical smell was coming from inside her room. "Sorry, I was just, um, cleaning,"

"No, that's okay. I was just... Uhh..." LaFontaine's face dropped to the floor for a second to gain some confidence. "I actually had to talk to you about something,"

"Di-did you want to come in?"

"Yeah, sure,"

LaFontaine walked in, taking deep breaths of the cleaning chemical filled air. They sat down on the bed. Perry closed the door, put the gloves away neatly, then crossed the room to open the window. It was kind of breezy today, it would probably work better than letting it diffuse through the floor.

Perry didn't talk. She just worked silently on making drinks and organizing a few snacks in a plate. LaFontaine paused for a second. They had been worried so much about what they were going to say but they hadn't noticed Perry.

LaFontaine knew Perry very well. She was doing her "There's something I need to say" cleaning. But LaFontaine hadn't seen anything like this. Perry's shoulders were square and tensed, her hands constantly opening and closing then fiddling around with a finger or two. Whatever it was, it kind of worried LaFontaine.

"What's wrong, Perr?"

Perry froze and turned around to face them slowly. "Wh-what?" She laughed off. "N-nothing's wrong. There's nothing wrong. What makes you think there's something wrong?"

LaFontaine gave her a "are you serious" look and Perry sighed, turning back around and setting her closed fists on the small counter top. Sometimes she really didn't like that LaFontaine knew her so well.

"Something's bugging you, Perr. Spill it,"

"There's nothing to spill," Perry grabbed the snack plate tightly and crossed over to LaFontaine.

She sat down next to them, turning the plate in her lap nervously. LaFontaine rolled their eyes. Perry was so readable sometimes. Anyone could tell something was bugging her.

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