Missing Yesterday (Part 11)

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This class couldn't have been anymore boring. Half the kids were asleep and the other half were texting or tweeting or whatever they do. The teacher even looked like he was bored at his own lecture.

LaFontaine sent a text to Laura about how boring this class was today in an attempt to stay awake. She usually texts back, even if she has class but not this time. Maybe she was presenting on that big book she rented from the library. They started to fall asleep again so they sent a text to Perry.

"Hey Perr. How're you feeling?"

Ever since they had gotten back to Silas from their impromptu hiking expedition, LaFontaine's made Perry rest or kept close tabs on her so she was feeling alright. She had come close several times to passing out on their way home through the mountains and LaFontaine was worried. They had left themself a note, which Perry had destroyed this morning, saying what had happened and had made them worry extensively. The first day that classes started, LaFontaine didn't even let her leave the room.

"I'm okay, LaFontaine. You don't have to worry anymore,"

"Yes I do,"

"Wait, aren't you in class?"

LaFontaine straightened their back a little.

"... Maybe,"

"Pay attention!!!"

LaFontaine sighed and pulled out a notebook to start jotting things down. They didn't want to fall asleep. They forget things when they fall asleep.


"I'm going!!" Perry shouted excitedly, holding a piece of paper as she ran into Laura's room. Like usual, everyone was there.

"Where ya goin', Shirley?" Carmilla raised an eyebrow, turning to look at the excited ginger.

"Germany! Over spring break!"

"You passed?" LaFontaine stood up, a grin instantly spreading over their face. The strongest thing that they remember is the endless nights that Perry sacrificed sleep to stay up and study for that test. They knew how much it meant to her. For three months, that's all she would talk about non-stop.

"Yes! I didn't think I would, but I got it! I did it!!" Perry laughed.

LaFontaine got a bit too excited and picked her up, spun her around once, then set her down just to plant a kiss on the grinning colored lips.

"Ahem," Danny cleared her throat after a few seconds, the lovebirds paying them no mind. "Ahem!" She tried again, louder this time. It still didn't work.

The two only pulled away after the fifth try.

"Now that that's over," Laura turned back to her computer.

Perry widened her eyes. How in the world could she forget that Laura was doing her web... thing? She just kissed LaFontaine in front of Laura's audience.

"Hey, Perr. You okay?" LaFontaine asked lowly, letting Laura do her thing with the camera.

"Y-Yeah. Y-you know... nothing's better than kissing in front of the whole internet," Perry muttered weakly.

"This calls for celebration but first, Perr, let's get you back to the room. You look like you're gonna pass out,"


"There's more?" Perry was tired. LaFontaine had dragged her around all night on an impromptu date. It was probably one of the best nights of Perry's life.

LaFontaine had been waiting outside of her last class with a rose, wearing a very dapper outfit with one of the bow ties Perry liked all topped off with that bashful, crooked smile the she loved so much. They brought her back to their dorm room and she got dressed in her favorite dress. When she came back out, LaFontaine gave her a beautiful new necklace before they went out to that fancy restaurant Perry had always wanted to visit, which was better than she had hoped. After that, they sat out on top of the library as the sunset faded away. Now, as the moon and stars twinkled above them, LaFontaine was dragging Perry back to their dorm.

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