Missing Yesterday (Part 10)

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The usual late morning/early afternoon sunshine made the lazy biologist stirr. With a glance at the clock, they groaned. They had meant to wake up earlier, vaguely remembering the alarm ringing this morning. Why had they rolled over? They knew they would go back to sleep if that happened. It was just so comfy and warm and smelt like Perry.

LaFontaine opened their eyes again, staring at the empty pillow beside their head. On top of it was a sticky note. With a small, curious frown, they propped themselves up on their elbows and leaned over to read it.

"Good morning! Or afternoon. Whenever you wake up.
You won't remember last night. Or yesterday. I'm not even sure you'll remember me"

Who wrote this?

They spent a few seconds staring at the letters and the way they looped together so perfectly. It seemed so familiar... Where did they know the writing from?

When they tried to lay back down, their gaze found another sticky note on the wall just above the pillow. They scooted closer to read it.

"Let me help you remember.
My name is Lola but you call me Perry. We've been friends since we were five, but I've loved you since we were 12"

A small butterfly flickered in their stomach. Perry? Perry loved them? This had to be a prank...

They tried to push the notes out of their mind and got up. A flash of orange caught their eye on the headboard of the bed.

"This is where we had our first kiss"

LaFontaine's eyes widened a little. They had kissed Perry? They would've remembered had they kissed Perry. LaFontaine looked around the room spotting three more sticky notes. They walked to the closest two that happened to be right next to each other up on the wall.

The left most read:

"This is where I told you I loved you"

And next to it was a similar one that read:

"This is where you told me you loved me"

LaFontaine couldn't stop the smile that tugged at their lips and kept reading over the two sticky notes. On both of them was a little heart in the top left corner. They could tell Perry took time to make these as neat as she possibly could. This had to be true. She wouldn't have taken such care in them if it wasn't.

They turned to the last sticky note on the door.

"You have anterograde amnesia. You can't remember but use these post-it notes to help you.
Don't use your arms anymore. Unless it's really important"

Their arms? LaFontaine glanced down and saw many long scabs covering their arms.


"I got it!" shouted Laura as the door opened intrusively to Perry's room. The door swung open fast and out of Laura's grip, making it hit the wall with a loud BANG!

Perry nearly jumped out of her skin, managing to drop a glass half full of water into the sink and two little pills on the ground. She placed a hand over her chest, feeling the adrenaline spreading through her body.

"Goodness gracious, Laura!" she gripped the counter with her other hand.

"S-Sorry," Laura laughed as she shut the door.

"You got what?" Perry took a deep breath and picked up the glass to fill it again.

"I got an idea to help LaF remember who we are!" Laura rushed to the bed and sat down, quickly shrugging off her far-too-heavy backpack to rummage around in it.

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