Missing Yesterday (Part 1)

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LaFontaine has always been clumsy and Perry is always taking care of them. But this time, after LaFontaine's biggest accident yet, Perry can't fix it.


This was one phone call Perry always thought she would get one day but never dreamed it would actually happen. This was never the way she planned on spending her Saturday before the biggest test in her German class. She should be studying and nagging her ever lazy roommate to hit the books as well. She shouldn't be here. She shouldn't be crying her eyes out. LaFontaine shouldn't be laying down, still and quiet. They should be up and around, cracking jokes to lighten the mood.

The heart monitor beeped in a slow, rhythmic pattern. Once or twice every few hours, it would speed up and Perry would get hopeful LaFontaine would wake up and tell her everything was fine. That they should have been watching where they were going. That the "asshole sped right in front of me" or whatever happened, no one really knew. But sure enough, every time, the heart monitor would return to the slow rhythm once again.

There was nothing Perry could do. This room was as clean as it possibly could be. She knows. She's cleaned it. All she could do was hold on to LaFontaine's soft, limp hand. Perry felt so useless. So vulnerable. Her best friend was hurt and she couldn't kiss it better. She couldn't lecture her to not to climb the tree so high or not to play near a bees nest like she did when they were children. This wasn't that easy of a fix. It couldn't be fixed with a bandage or a bunch of disinfectant. This mess couldn't be cleaned.


Perry took a sip of her tea, never taking her eyes off her textbook. This test was going to determine if over spring break she could go visit Germany, something she's always wanted to do. She's even been teaching LaFontaine a few words so they could come along on the trip.

Perry closed her tired eyes. She'd been studying for quite a few hours. With a sigh and a glance at her phone for any messages from LaFontaine, she got up and went to her movie collection. If she wasn't going to study from the textbook then the least she could do was watch a movie in German.

Grabbing a pillow and a blanket, she sat down on the floor as the tv powered up. She glanced at the clock and smiled softly. LaFontaine would be getting out of class soon. They weren’t good at waking up early in the morning so all their classes were scheduled later in the day. Perry didn’t understand but it was one of those things that she didn’t question.

About half way through the movie, Perry started to get a little worried. She looked at her phone and pierced her lips when she saw no messages from LaFontaine. The mother hen side of her took over and she sent a message first.

Perr: “Hey, where are you?”

LaFontaine: "oh, sorry. me and laura got caught up talking in the caf”

Perr: “Should I come down?”

LaFontaine: “no you have to study. i need to go buy laura some food so she doesn’t die”

Perr: “Doesn’t she have a roommate?”

LaFontaine: “yeah but she only eats that “protein supplement” you think it is”

Perry sighed and rolled her eyes.

Perr: “You need to study too”

LaFontaine: “yeah yeah i’ll do that later”

Perr: “Fine but hurry back. You have to study”

LaFontaine: “alright perr. be back soon”

‘be back soon’ Perry repeated in her mind. LaFontaine was always so difficult to get to sit down and do work if it wasn’t in class.

Without thinking much of it, Perry finished her movie and turned off the tv. To pass the time, she went out to the floor’s kitchen and started to bake some brownies. While they were cooking, she cleaned up the kitchen. The girls on this floor really don’t know how to clean up their own messes, seriously. By the time the brownies were done, Perry had also finished cleaning most of the surfaces in the kitchen.

“Are those brownies I smell?” Laura popped her head around the corner of the kitchen from the hallway.

“Yes, yes they are. I was baking some to take a break from studying,” Perry smiled kindly and took the brownies out, setting the pan on a cooling rack. Laura licked her lips and reached forward with the spatula to grab a piece. Perry just patiently moved it away. “They’re too hot right now. You’re going to have to wait a bit.”

“Awww” Laura pouted, slumping her shoulders. “I wanted something sweet before working on my lit paper,”

“I could help you,” Perry offered.

“Really?” Laura stood up straight. “You’d do that?”

“Yeah, I’m just about finished studying anyways,”


They chatted for a while on what Laura’s paper was about to allow the brownies to cool down enough to cut and put on a plate. Together they walked back to Laura’s room with Laura munching on one of the brownies. Stepping into Laura’s room, Perry’s eyes got wide.

“It’s a mess in here,”

“Yeah… blame my freak roommate,” Laura rolled her eyes and went to her computer.

Perry took a breath in and set down the plate of brownies. She quickly got to work cleaning the messy dorm room and simultaneously helping Laura with her paper.

“Remind me again, why didn’t you ask…” Perry stopped, trying to think of the girl’s name. “That… Um, your TA?”

“Danny? She had a Summer Society meeting. She helped me a little but had to leave before we really got anything done”

Perry’s phone rang from across the room, next to the empty plate of brownies by Laura.

“Who’s calling?” Perry asked, not looking up from making Carmilla’s bed.

“It’s your phone,” Perry stopped. “Uhh… “Susan”?”

“Oh!” Perry rushed over and grabbed the phone, quickly picking it up. “Sus- uh, LaFontaine?”

“Um, no. This is her father,”

“Oh, hello Mr. LaFontaine,” Perry said, instantly using formal speak. Mr. LaFontaine was a formal kind of guy.

“Yes, well um…” his voice cracked. He wasn’t the kind of person to show much emotion. This must be serious. “It’s Susan… She’s… She’s in the ER.”

“Wh-What…” Perry breathed, her heart racing as she was beginning to panic.

“She was in a car crash… I simply can’t stay as long as they need me to so I told them to transfer all responsibility to you,” Mr. LaFontaine was a very rich and powerful man. He’s never around when you need him to be and he’s very stingy.

“I-I’ll be right there. Thank you, Mr. LaFontaine,” Perry said quickly before shutting her phone. Tears welled in her eyes. “LaFontaine was in a car crash. I.. I need to go,”

Laura stood up. “I'll drive,”

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