Hot Chocolate and Gingerbread

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Made for Creampuff week

Contains a flashback, when LaFontaine identified as Susan.


“Hey!” Perry exclaimed as a snowball hit her back. She quickly made a small snowball in her mitten covered hands and turned around. LaFontaine quickly ducked behind a mound of snow to hide but lost their balance, falling over into plane sight. “Susan! Stop throwing snowballs at me!” she yelled, throwing the snow in her hand. It didn’t get very far, despite throwing it as hard as she could.

“You suck at throwing,” LaFontaine stood up, scrunching their nose.

“You’re suppose to be making the body for the snowman. Not pelting me with snowballs,” Perry put her hands on her hips.

“But I wanna have some fuuun,” LaFontaine whined, draping themselves over the large snowball they had made for the snowman.

“This is fun,”

“But I’m done and I can’t take this waiting,”

“Fine. Then help me put the head on,” Perry turned around to the smaller mound of snow.

LaFontaine quickly rushed over and helped place the head on their snowman. The head was a lot smaller than the body, which Perry complained about for a while, until they added all the clothes for the snowman. It was fit with a jacket, mittens, a scarf, and hat. The two admired their work for a few seconds before looking at each other and bursting out laughing. Their snowman was a complete mess.

"Should we try again?" Perry asked through a giggle.

"Hmmmm… Nah," LaFontaine bent down and grabbed a bit of snow. "I’d rather do this,” they said as they threw the snow at Perry before running away.

"Susan!" Perry yelled before running after them with a snowball in each hand.

They ran around the yard flinging snowballs at each other amongst giggles and trying to not trip in the deep snow.

LaFontaine-being the graceful swan that they are-tripped backwards into some of the deep snow. They tried to get up but the snow was too deep and their leg was stuck. Perry took her chance and grabbed as much snow as she could hold in her arms.

"Oh, no! Perry, no!" LaFontaine giggled.

"I keep telling you, my name is Lola,"

She took careful steps over to LaFontaine and dropped the snow right on top of them.

"Well at least you hit me this time,"

"You’re gonna get another bunch of snow for that. But on your face this time," she threatened as she turned to get more.

As she turned, she took a wrong step and sunk into the snow, falling backwards right next to LaFontaine.

"Now we’re both stuck," LaFontaine scrunched their nose again.

They didn’t really try to get up. Instead, they stared at the darkening sky. The beautiful pinks and oranges slowly turned to dark purples and blues. Soon, the main light that lit up the backyard was the lights hung around the porch and the light from the kitchen window.

"My leg is really cold," Perry stated, trying to move it.

"Did you know you can get frostbite from being out in the cold too long?" LaFontaine looked at Perry.

"The frost can bite?" Perry shot a concerned look back only to earn a laugh.

"No. You just get so cold that you can’t warm back up again. Your skin turns black then they have to cut it off,"

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