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*Sketch above and below done by same artist no longer on Wattpad*

The Gods of Dim-Eden (Or Suil'Nua)

(Suil'Nua- Shool, new-uh)

Ardan Crann (Ard-on-Crahn): The overlord of the ancient elves and dragons, the ruler of all. The ancient tribes believed his body was held within the high mountain near the Rhineland and Oakwood, or that it was the sight of his death when he was mortal and ascended to godhood. They established settlements near to pay reverence to him. It is said that his realm is a land of golden halls and skies.

Rean: Rean is the lord of the underworld according to the elven tribes. He holds the right to accept or deny anyone into his realm, as the story of Fomoria and Partholan went. Not much is known of Rean, other than his realm is the antithesis of Ardan Crann's.

Gaire (Guy-uhr): Gaire is the trickster God. Information remains sparse on him but you may curse his name every time something seems to go wrong.

The Races of Suil'Nua

Elves: The elves once held Dim-Eden and all of the Crystal Islands but the few left now hold to a small area called the Rhineland, or have departed all together and live as wandering nomads in various parts of the Crystal Islands or beyond the kingdom


Dwarves: Dwarves hail from Carragh Dohl to the north of Dim-Eden and the Crystal Islands. 

Goblins: Mostly wild and violent creatures that live spread out all over the map. Goblins invaded Dim-Eden many years ago before King Erimon pushed them back to the Crystal Islands where they remain scattered throughout.

The Creatures of Suil'Nua

Heathens: Wandering souls that have been denied paradise by Ardan Crann, and entrance to the underworld by Rean. 

Dragons: Once allies for centuries during the ages of the elven rulers. The dragons had a kingdom of their own in Talamn Gan Rath, a vast valley of green and blue with two magical and mysterious orbs in the sky. Dragons have been gone for decades, few, if any, know why.

Harkins: Massive winged creatures that tend to live in valleys and canyons. They are sort of a cross between bats and eagles. 

Troll Giants: Huge creatures that tend to live in forests or around mountains. Most carry clubs or other large weapons. Not much is known of their history or how they live.

Muskigee: Twisted creatures born of a god's affair with a kraken. The Muskigee tend to stick to swamps or lakes and capture prey by trapping them in tiny vortexes and draining the water in their snares.

Yetis: Skulking creatures covered in hair that live in the northern snowy Galtee Mountains, feeding on the wildlife in the cold climate. Some are captured and domesticated for personal mounts by those who live in Galtee Keep. 

The Holds and Cities in Dim-Eden

The politics of the Kingdom are a bit scattered and some would argue the system needs to be revamped. The King and Queen are the High Rulers but the holds throughout the land are governed by Jarls (sort of like Mayors or Governors), who are responsible for their own people's well-being.  

In order to ensure no Monarch ever becomes too powerful, the King and Queen must adhere to the laws of each hold unless the circumstances are quite dire. The King and Queen themselves are held in check by the Council. The council resides on an island called Bullree in the Crystal Islands, but they have not been heard from in quite some time.

The Capital- The Capital is simply known as "The Capital" and any Elven translations have been lost. It is where the King and Queen live as well as various other nobles and cabinet members who advise the ruler at any given time.

Creagach- A small hold under the command of Jarl Gab Harnair. 

Balirand- A rocky mining city north of the Capital on the way towards the Galtee Mountains. Petrice Dorrel is the Jarl of the city. She is one of Queen Galian's closest friends.

Galtee- Galtee keep is the smallest of the holds, under the command of Jarl Theris Damos. Much of what is mined in Balirand is sent to Galtee to make heavy weapons but due to the harsh conditions and distance, not many visit Galtee.

The Crystal Islands- The Crystal Islands are several scattered islands far out in the Srayill Sea. ol'Yen and Bullree are the most well-known.

Random Notes

- Game of Thrones and various stories from Celtic and Greek mythology were big inspirations for this book. Perhaps obscurely, a book by the astronomer Carl Sagan called 'The Dragons of Eden' also had major influence. 


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