Chapter 48: The Descent (Disciples of Blood)

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Fomoria fell forward out of breath, but the storm she had created endured.

It wasn't enough.

For countless generations she had slept, recovered, and endured. But still, Ardan Crann would not see her. Rean would not join in her fight. She would have to do it herself, with those she had selected.

With a slight raising of her heels she drifted from the tower and hovered downwards until she landed on the rocky peak of the mountain. Gab Harnair was already bowing to her, or he had been and still hadn't risen. He did offer a glance up finally, but quickly looked away, deeming himself unworthy to look upon her.

She did not move her mouth but Gab trembled as he heard her voice in his head.


Gab shook as he raised his head, averting his eyes. "I am at your command." Any semblance of arrogance was gone before the witch, anyone who knew him would not have recognize him based on the way he was acting in front of her.

Fomoria looked unimpressed. When she spoke again, the words came from her mouth. Her voice had many colors, it calmed, it intimidated, it seduced...

"And what can you offer me?"

Gab couldn't stop shaking, and it wasn't from the chilling winds of the mountain.

"Whatever you wish," he said affirmatively.

Fomoria took in a deep breath. She reached out, sensing something.

"There is only one thing now. One thing left to obtain."

"Name it, and you will have it."

Fomoria widened her eyes, trying to see something not just far away, but something on the other side of the map. She couldn't, and she recoiled, something was obstructing her view.

"The girl has failed me."

"Who, my Queen?"

Fomoria gazed out from the mountaintop again, trying to pinpoint her location. She could not see a King on the throne in the Capital. Pure blooded elves were filing in wagon by wagon. Siladrin was void of signs of life. She could not see towards Talamn Gan Rath.

Dragon's Blood...

Fomoria smiled, and Gab felt weak looking upon her beauty.

"We will draw her out. We will draw all of them out."

A smile came to Gab's face, and the base of the tower opened without a sound. Her soldiers emerged. Dwarves and goblins marching side by side, and the twisted, risen dead. Walking bones, shrieks of flesh and flame.

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