Chapter 63: The New Order

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It was day and dragons flew towards the Capital.

They didn't come like thieves in the night bringing fire and death. Instead, they carried heroes home, and they were welcomed.


In the ruins of the castle something caught Larian's eye. Part of a bust had survived, cracked, jagged edges made him handle it carefully but when he held it up, he saw his mother's face. He held her, and remembered her, and wanted to ensure that she did not fade from not only his memory, but from the memory of the people.

Branwen and Epona joined him and he carefully set the stone carving down and turned to them.

"So... Immortality?" He wondered aloud. They'd been feeding him information since leaving the mountain and he'd been considering it.

"We aren't entirely sure," Epona said. "But barring anything unexpected, the duty passed on from Nemedia remains. You must safeguard the sword, always. It's impossible to say what will happen next, maybe we won't need it, but if we do... Again, only time will tell."

Larian sighed, his mind was flooded with thousands of thoughts, so many that they hurt his head. "What of the witch's body? Was burning it enough?"

"I don't believe Fomoria's body was the problem..." Epona began. "She was more of a symptom..."

"One we will hope to mend as we rebuild," Branwen added.

Larian nodded, "Yes. Rebuilding is going to take a lot of time and work. What will the two of you do?"

Branwen wondered about that herself. "There was so much we were naïve about."

"In some ways we were wrong," Epona nodded. "We couldn't know Partholan's true intentions. We're still not sure."

Larian shook his head. "You will forever be remembered for fighting alongside us in our darkest moments. The Sisters of Light are just that, protectors. If you wish to continue in that role, I would welcome you here at my side."

The sisters had clearly already been thinking about it, and it didn't take them long to nod in agreement. "We would be honored. We'd like to help bring peace among our people." Branwen said.

Larian was happy to hear it. "The honor is all mine. We can work out the finer details later. In any case, I'll just be glad you're here."

They bowed to each other out of mutual respect.


Morrigan wandered despondent looking for something she hoped she wouldn't find.

How could I leave them?

Her father... Sandril.

When she reached the Inn where she'd dragged her father, and where Sandril had decided to stay and guard him, she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she saw a pillar had fallen where they'd been.


Emotions swirled inside her like a maelstrom. Confusion, sadness, anger directed mostly at herself. What a horrible fate if they'd been crushed to death, she hoped it had been quick at least, painless. 

Perhaps something had carried them away, perhaps it was worse. In her anxiety she couldn't think positively, only the worst-case scenarios danced in her mind. There was no way they were just off being treated somewhere, that would've been good news and she wasn't used to that.

When she turned her eyes were closed again, and she was squeezing out tears. In her despair she didn't see them approach, and didn't initially hear the dog bark. When her mind put it together, she opened her eyes and her jaw dropped.

Sandril was there cocking his head and wagging his tail. He looked ecstatic to see her. He was at her father's side.

She jumped into Leyden's arms. She was almost as tall as him now but he held her and hugged her tightly as he had the day he carried her for miles and miles to safety. 

She hugged him with such energy they toppled over and they laughed as Sandril jumped around them, barking happily and wagging his tail with enough fervor to match the flapping of dragon wings.


Cara met up with the sisters outside the castle and they didn't even exchange pleasantries before they grilled her with questions.

"What was the spell?" Epona asked, almost demanded.

"Did no one really wonder why I'd been so quiet?"

They looked at each other, neither one knew what to say. Cara thought they both looked guilty and the looks were her answer. She sighed.

"I found a book in Dormid that I brought with me. It's full of spells, incantations, recipes... I'm just glad the spell worked and I didn't turn you all into tomatoes."

"It seemed to cause you great pain," Epona pointed out.

"Yeah it was strong stuff," Cara responded.

"What was this book?" Branwen asked. "Who wrote it?"

Cara reached into her bag and withdrew it. The cover was worn and the dust and dirt seemed to be the permanent artwork now. The pages were still intact when Epona practically ripped it from her hands and turned through it with Branwen over her shoulder. The sisters weren't too sure what to make of it.


A dwarven leader who could not remember his own name met with King Larian walking through the city.

"I'm not sure what to say in our defense since none of us remember much after going to the mountain." The dwarf stopped for a moment in thought, stroking his braided white beard. "But I think it would be best to head back to Carragh Dohl for now. We have a lot of... Soul searching to do as a people."

Larian was going to suggest they stay and help rebuild, such expert craftsmen would be invaluable in the effort, but he knew some wouldn't forgive what they'd done, at least not right away, and agreed that it was the best course of action for now. 

More violence had to be avoided at all costs for as long as possible.

"I hope one day we can try again," Larian said.

The dwarf bowed. "Me too, King Larian, Me too."


Morrigan and Cara finally found each other and embraced, thanking each other for everything. Aside from her father and Sandril, she still considered Cara her best friend. In their quest from Dormid they'd been so focused on the task at hand that there was little time for conversation. They had some catching up to do. She hoped there would be time for fun and normalcy.

"I didn't really do anything," Morrigan said. "It was you who gave the King the chance to save us. You and... Mindin."

They were both saddened at the mention of her. Hearing massive steps, they turned to the grey dragon that Morrigan had ridden to Adran Crann. 

He was smaller than some of the others but did not seem younger, grey whiskers were near his flaring nostrils and when he spoke, he had a sophisticated and bright tone that was pleasant to the ear.

"Greetings. I don't believe we had time for introductions but my name is Dahlgrin."

Morrigan and Cara introduced themselves, and Morrigan thanked him for his help.

"We were just saying how much of a shame it was that Mindin isn't here to celebrate with us," Cara said. "Covac's line... I can't believe they're all gone now."

Dahlgrin flared his nostrils and let out a thoughtful noise that made them give him their attention. He clearly had something to say.

"Maybe not entirely..."

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