Chapter 35: Path of Ruin

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Trees hanging on by threads from Heathen's magical blast were toppling over before Cara and the sisters as they rode through some of the deepest parts of Oakwood.

Cara could not believe what she was seeing, the level of destruction was staggering. There was dead wildlife, rabbits and foxes were strewn about among the fallen trees.

"A storm?" she wondered, but didn't know how a storm could hit only Oakwood.

"Magic, no doubt," Epona said, she could feel it, she didn't even need to use her third eye to tell.

"I can't believe someone could be powerful enough to do all this."

"I'm not surprised, you've only shot fire out of your hands," Olwen joked. 

Epona smiled but didn't laugh.

Cara encased herself in a shield of energy. "Um hello, I can do this thing." The shield fell, and she winced from a sudden sharp headache that subsided after a moment.

Olwen crossed her arms over her chest and nodded with a mocking smile. "Wow, so impressive."

Cara sighed and shook her head. "You guys are so nice to me."

Olwen rode ahead, she had a question for the still determined Branwen.

"Think it was him?"

Branwen did not respond, she'd spotted something.

Dead goblins.

There were only a few, Branwen held her sword just in case one was still clinging to life but none of them moved. "They have stab wounds," she noted.

"Morrigan!" Cara knew it was her, it had to be.

Branwen studied the ground more, she had to brush away some leaves to pick up on something, impressions in the mud.

"Tracks from a dog as well."

That confirmed it for Cara. Morrigan and Sandril had been by recently enough that their tracks were still visible. They had to be close.

Branwen rose and went back towards her horse. "What kind of person is this Morrigan friend of yours?" she asked as she got back in the saddle.

"She's reasonable, determined. She won't attack, so please, do the same. She just wants to help her father."

"Does she trust the Heathen?" Branwen asked as she gently kicked her horse's side and led on with Cara beside her.

"I think she's willing to trust anyone who can help her right now."

"Then she is foolish. A threat."

"No, she'll listen. Please. Give her a chance."

Branwen fell quiet and contemplative as she rode on. The moon was not visible through the canopy above as they inched along the walls of Ardan Crann.


Emerging from a clear path carved through the woods with trees extending overhead and branches growing over each other, Olwen was the first to see a blue light only feet away. The pace quickened until they reached the door. It had shut again, and the hand of God had smoothed over the moon, allowing its light to shine once more.

Epona was the one to say the words, and when she did her third eye glowed.

"Only the light may enter."

The Sisters of Light guided Cara into the dark. The door sealed behind them.

At daybreak a blind wolf bellowed coming out of the tree line. The letters on the door had faded once more. The two nights of the Hunters moon had passed. The door would not open again for at least another year.


Branwen guided the flame of a torch along the lines of a message left by her ancestors in Dormid's walls. It told them to go back. But they couldn't.

"She's here."

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