Chapter 61: A Most Powerful Mage

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She felt like she was moving through water.

Morrigan held the broadsword at her side. Cara's eyes were closed and she was intently concentrating on something. Whatever magic was at work was coming from her. Epona had the point of her staff pointing forward next to Branwen who was getting ready to throw a dagger.

The King was at the opposite side of the witch, and a dragon was swooping down on her from behind. They truly had her covered. 

Morrigan reached her, stepping up onto Maev, using her as a launch pad, raising the sword above her head. The natural flow of time was restored and Cara cried out in pain. Morrigan slashed Fomoria with the sword but that was all she could manage before she swung her arm and threw her to the floor.

In the same motion, Fomoria spun, and impaled Larian on her extending claws. Though the spell had faded, everyone fell still and quiet again. When she was satisfied enough, or thought he was dead, she also sent the King flying towards the stones.

She didn't sense Mindin behind her and she was captured in her jaws. She tried to cast every spell she knew but couldn't break free as Mindin flew for the mountain in the east.

Two dragons had acted quickly and saved Larian and Morrigan from crashing. They flew after Mindin, Morrigan had the sword in a scabbard on her back. She looked over at Larian, he was alive, but barely holding on.


Mindin fought through pain as electrical charges rattled her teeth. Fomoria couldn't get free, her wound seemed to have weakened her. Her attacks came less often and with less intensity.

Morrigan's dragon came close, she tried to transfer to Mindin's back but the winds were so strong she was having difficulty maintaining her grip. 

The tower came into view. Fomoria unleashed another lightning storm that blinded Mindin and she screamed to the others to back off. The dragon Morrigan was riding listened to her, and carved through the air upwards, pulling up as Mindin went straight for the tower.

When Morrigan realized what was happening she looked horrified but it was too late to stop her.

More dragons joined her, carrying the sisters and Cara.

"What is she doing?!" Cara called.

'No!" But soon after Epona's cry, Mindin crashed into the tower, breaking it in half. It crumbled and they were lost in a dust storm.


Landing near the ruins of the tower, near the massive piles of rubble where she was nowhere to be found, Morrigan immediately drew the sword and ran. Larian fell from his dragon and the others rushed to his side to help steady him.


There were small fires in the ebony piles of destruction. Morrigan kicked around cautiously hoping to find Fomoria dead, or wounded enough for the killing blow.

She looked back and saw the others following at a slower pace. The dragons lingered for a moment but then flew off on their own search.

Suddenly large chunks of the tower rose and hung suspended in midair. Fomoria rose, blood was trickling from the wound on her chest. She drifted forward, launching the rubble in the direction of the King and he only narrowly fell out of the way with the help of Cara and the sisters. 

Fomoria picked up Morrigan by the throat and she dropped the sword. While she gagged and tried to break free, Fomoria extended her claws.

Morrigan closed her eyes and tried to dream of a simpler time, when she was a small child and everything was well in the world. She hoped it would distract her from the pain. 

She smelled the corn crops and remembered Sandril getting stuck in the larder as a puppy. She couldn't smile, the witch's grip was too tight, but she felt warmth.

When the blow didn't come Morrigan opened her eyes. 

It was happening again. 

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