Chapter 54: The Immortal Queen

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The Sisters stayed bowing to the woman.

Morrigan wasn't sure what to do, she noted the sisters knelt but did not feel compelled to follow their lead.

The apparent Queen was holding her helmet at her side. Her eyes were only on Morrigan and the small smile on her face was lingering.

"What did you mean by cycle?" Morrigan finally asked to break the silence.

The woman started off on her own bidding all of them to follow.


Around the fire the woman told them of how things had once and always been. She told them of the witch and the king's enthrallment and how generations passed but each ended the same way. The cycles of violence and betrayal were the reason Fomoria's soul endured. She fed on the blood, the energy from the constant wars, endless deaths.

Outwardly she hadn't aged much. Her skin had maintained the deep glow of a pure blood, her hair was still golden and long and full. Her eyes seemed too gentle to be that of a stern ruler, there was a playfulness in them, they reminded Branwen of Shaman Jarla. 

What was most striking about her to them all was her presence. Her energy field, whatever one wanted to call it. She gave off such a glow, a vibrancy that drew attention and made people feel safe around her. She must have been a wonderful mother at one time. A loving one.

"But if you know all this... Does that mean? Are you?" Branwen began but she tailed off, finding herself almost unable to speak in the company of the woman who exuded such grace and regality.

The woman smiled and nodded. "I am Nemedia. Though few have called me by name in many centuries."

The sisters looked as though they would faint then and there. Words failed them, they merely stared in awe.

"How is that possible?" Epona finally managed.

Nemedia fell contemplative, the flames danced in her eyes as she stared into the fire.

"I have communed with Ardan Crann as to my true purpose. The reason for my... immortality. I believe it is my duty to pass this sword onto another. One I deem worthy to kill the witch once and for all. This can only end with her death."

She watched as the others looked to each other, the reactions were all mostly the same though the humans were more in thought than in shock like Branwen and Epona. It was Branwen who spoke next.

"Your... Chosen... Is this human? This girl?"

Nemedia's eyes returned to the fire, for a moment she looked unsure of herself, but then drew the broadsword letting it shimmer like a star in the moonlight.

"I cannot be the one to wield it. The only way to atone for my failure is to ensure the cycle's end. You." She looked at Morrigan who looked like she did not want any of the power being offered her. "I've been watching you for some time now, and when you spared that creature, I knew for certain that the new era you will lead will be different."

Morrigan wasn't going to commit to anything yet, when she spoke her voice sounded unsure, and there was fear in it, and Leyden sensed it so he held her hand.

"What will happen to you?" Morrigan asked.

Nemedia sheathed the blade. "When Fomoria has been slain, it is my hope I will finally find peace in Ardan Crann's golden realm."

It was such a shock that such an ancient being was there communing with them, but they still couldn't help but feel a bit sad, the thought of losing her soon after finding her would be difficult. 

Branwen and Epona wanted her to see their people. They wanted her to stay to see their glory restored. Perhaps they were selfish thoughts, perhaps they just wanted to be seen with her.

"There is one thing..." Nemedia continued, and everyone gave her their complete attention.

"If you use the blade, you will become like me. You will roam this realm forever, safeguarding the sword. Until you can pass it on to the next keeper."

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