Chapter 34: Shadows on a Moonless Night

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Queen Galian's breathing was so slow that it seemed she would stop at any moment. Healers were watching her but Rayla was absent when Amlin and Cailin Harnair entered the hospital.

The young male healer seated at Galian's bedside eyed the unexpected visitors with wariness. Though when Amlin smiled, he let his guard down a bit. She had that effect on people, a soothing, positive radiance that made men act in a peculiar manner.

"It's alright, the King granted me permission to be here," she said, maintaining a smile.

The healer nodded but then they both turned to see Larian enter. "Did he now?"

The young women wanted to leave and made a move for the door but the King blocked her escape. "What are you doing snooping around?"

Amlin shifted her gaze momentarily to the healer, when Larian saw him too he realized it wasn't the place for an argument so he urged them both outside and they followed.


With the moon completely blackened by what some might have believed was the palm of a god, shadows fell dim and it seemed as though someone was lurking around every corner, behind every building. The King and his Hand walked together back to the castle in silent thought. Cailin followed but at a distance. Larian cursed the dragons. 

His parents would have died eventually, his reign was unavoidable, but with every day that passed he wanted to be king less and less. It was a never-ending cycle of self-doubt and anxiety.

Erimon had enjoyed his seat, he liked having all eyes on him always. Galian's true intentions were always harder to read, but he did not think she was as selfish as his father. She seemed disinterested in the goings on in the past. 

He remembered Archymides, and wondered why he hadn't sooner. So much attention had been given to Galian's rescue that he'd forgotten the old man who had tried to ready him for the situation he was in now. He wished he'd listened more, paid closer attention, and he wished for his mother's recovery even more then, so she could say what happened to him.

When they reached private chambers Larian allowed himself to raise his voice, and Amlin stood there pretending to be unaffected by his yelling, his loud accusations, even though internally her heart was racing. Cailin looked terrified.

"I just wanted to see her! To check on her!" she tried to assure him.

"To what purpose? Do you have abilities I don't know about?"

"If I did..." She tailed off, like she didn't want to say more in her heightened emotional state.

"Who even are you?" Larian asked, there was a look of disappointment in his eyes. Perhaps in himself. He'd allowed an infatuation to go on too long. Someone from a past he could no longer return to. He wasn't strong enough to let her go. She'd made him happy once, made him feel good. Dismissing her would be a betrayal and he did not wish to see her hurt.

Cailin stepped forward, she'd been quiet the whole time but when she sensed that Amlin was going to take all the blame, she knew she couldn't let that happen. "It was my idea, lord."

Larian gave her a wild look, the look a dog might give prey it has just sensed. He could feel the blood flow in every vein in his body. "You? Who let you out of your room?" 

He glanced at Amlin but she averted her eyes.

"I saw Galian, your mother. She's not going to make it without my help, Lord!"

"Oh, so now you're what, a healer? Or are you a witch or a mage?"

Cailin shook her head, she had calmed down because she thought she was going to be successful in her attempt to convince him of something.

"Guards!" Larian called after a moment of quiet deliberation.

Two guards that had been standing at the door entered and waited for the next command. "Take Ms. Harnair to the dungeon and lock her in a cell. I believe we've made her too comfortable."

The guards restrained her and she fought furiously to get free. "No please! You can't do this! You don't understand!"

"A few nights behind bars will loosen her tongue," Larian said in a stern tone and then turned his attention to Amlin. She did not try to win him over with her smile. She just lingered there. "As for you," he began.

Amlin stormed out of the room before he could continue and slammed the door with such force the walls shook.

Larian picked up a candle stick and threw it at the door in frustration.

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