Chapter 10: Balirand

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The Mining city came into view.

Balirand was built into the cliffside nearing snowy Galtee. It looked to be mostly made of stone, the buildings and gate arches certainly were. It was a big place, swelling far out from the belly of the cliff, grass grew, they could see green outlines even from a distance.

There were always miners at work, Galian watched with interest as they swung their axes into rock. Some were very young, barely teenagers or younger. That somehow didn't seem right to Galian, but she knew that all children didn't have Larian's upbringing.

"I hope we'll have better luck here," Archymides said, bringing the Queen out of her mind.

"Petrice Dorrel is one of my oldest friends. She won't let me down."

"I hope not, her force is one of the strongest in the Kingdom."

"Just look at the work they do and it's no wonder."

"Indeed. I've never actually met her, I've seen the two of you speaking often but she's never approached me, I've never approached her."

"I think you'll find her different than most with power."

The gate opened for them; they already knew who she was.

The old city was being upgraded all around them, it looked almost nothing like Galian remembered though she hadn't been there since Larian was a teenager. Rope bindings surrounded building blocks in stacks all over the bustling town. Platforms built hundreds of feet up supported painters and inspectors who were hard at work. 

Still there were miners though, within the city as well, they pushed carts of ore in and out, it looked like there was a great deal to be had. Though they seemed a little overworked, none looked to be living in poverty, every job seemed to pay at least enough to eat every day, not every steward could boast such an accomplishment. It wasn't a place as rich as the Capital, certainly not as luxurious as some places where the council lived, but they were comfortable. Galian liked the place, the air was pleasant.

Petrice Dorrel was discussing something with a contractor, speaking with her hands, when she bid him farewell, she noticed the Queen, her old friend. She was a flamboyant woman, highly energetic and dressed colorfully more so than expensively, she said hello with a big hug. She said hello to most people with big hugs.

"It's been ages! Why don't you write to me more often?!" Though Petrice's voice raised, she was smiling largely.

"I wish I had the time. Always busy."

"Of course. Word has spread of Erimon. I'm so sorry, Galy."

Petrice hugged her again with concern.

"He's not dead," Galian didn't know that for sure, but in a way she did.

"I know, I know it in my heart, I know you do too," the woman said, breaking the hug gently.

"I wish my visit was just a friendly one, but I need your help getting him back."

"No doubt." Petrice looked up and noticed they were below a half-built tower that was creaking enough to make her uncomfortable. She steered the Queen away from it. "Let's talk somewhere else. The square will be beautiful when it's finished, but for now the buildings creak and sway so it's best not to stay in one place for too long."

As they stepped away towards sunlight, bits of rock fell from the tower and landed where they had been standing.

Galian was pleased the garden hadn't been altered. It had always been her favorite part of the city. The white stone path with pillars and flowers led to the fortress where Petrice made her bed. Fern Pine columns blocked the view of the training field where they could hear soldiers at work but not see them. 

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