Chapter 3: The Tolling of the Bell

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They were still bleeding the dragon in the early evening.

The benefits of monster blood were researched back thousands of years to the time of the elves, it was one of the few records that had survived, a book written by somebody with a name nobody could ever remember because it was long and strange to them. There were still elves, some would be in the capital on occasion but they usually stuck to the Rhineland, the little bit of land they had managed to hold onto after humans rose to power in Dim-Eden.

Leyden had taken Morrigan back out to the scene. He wasn't afraid, he'd fought in the Goblin War with Larian when Dim-Eden drove the invaders back to Grimsever where they still were. That was the only war Morrigan had seen in her lifetime, but not the only battle. 

Leyden collected some of the blood which nearly made Morrigan laugh considering he was always talking about how full of falsehoods soothsayers and the superstitious were.

"They say dragon's blood can cure most ailments," Leyden said, filling a canteen.

A bell rang four times and everyone at the lake turned their attention to the open gate. A few of the scavengers went immediately to see what was going on and Leyden handed Morrigan the knife and started off with them.

"Give it a try," he said. She didn't want him to go, she didn't want anything to do with the dragon.

The Queen was holding up a piece of paper for all to see up on the castle steps. It was some sort of royal order, a decree and she addressed the accumulating crowd, referencing it.

"As many of you saw, the dragons have returned, and they have our King. An enemy we thought long gone forever is holding my husband prisoner!

She waited for some loud chatter to end before starting again.

"With strategist Archymides, and Prince Larian, a plan has been devised to free Erimon, with the threat of another attack on the capital so strong, especially after the King felled one of their own, we cannot spare soldiers, so we are asking for volunteers to venture on a quest to Siladrin."

Galian had expected there to be a great deal of chatter about such a dangerous mission, but people sounded angry, for a moment she wanted to flee because she thought a mob would form.

"The ledger you see here will be placed in the castle's main hall. All who sign it will be considered for the job, and those chosen will be rewarded so they never have to work another day in their lives. I understand the dangers. The King may be dead, you may die on this mission, but we cannot sit by and do nothing, and I hope many will consider signing this document. Your Kingdom thanks you, I thank you."

She bowed her head a bit and went inside. Leyden crossed his arms and thought.


Morrigan cut into the dragon's hide, near its head where the dead eyes were. Blood flew and hit her in the face and got in her freshly brushed dark hair and she closed her eyes, wincing, she thought she might cry but staved off the feeling, she didn't want to embarrass herself. She heard a girl speak but didn't see her.

"Here," she sounded young, when Morrigan looked at her though she thought she had to be a few years older than her, maybe twenty. Her smile was white, she had reddish-brown hair and green eyes, she almost looked like she imagined her mother would have when she'd been younger. 

Morrigan had never seen her before, had no reason to trust her, but accepted the washcloth, it was just a washcloth after all and she used it to wipe some of the blood off her face but didn't get it all. 

Morrigan was shy, she hadn't gone out much since the incident, even before that though she'd never been one to look someone directly in the eye, she still found herself hiding behind her father in circumstances that made her uncomfortable, such as meeting new people. Still, the young woman was not very threatening and Morrigan liked her right away.

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