Chapter 50: New Alliances

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There were torches on the horizon.

Captain Caladin was moving through the streets with soldiers at his back pointing to various points where they would be stationed.

"Archers on the walls! I want men outside putting up extra fortifications around the gate, more around the castle. Move!"

The men and women ran off to their various points.


Shaman Jarla watched the march of the twisted ones.

They were in a perfect line, the shrieks towering above the goblins and dwarves. All of them moving with only one purpose in mind. That was good, it meant they probably weren't going to stray from their path to attack their settlement.

Many of the huts had been emptied. A cold wind blew by, rustling the fabric of the tents.

"The others are gone, should we go?" A young woman asked her, standing near, looking on anxiously.

Jarla was clearly thinking about it. Her eyes scanned the ranks, and then she turned.

Fomoria landed gracefully before her.

The young woman who had stood with the Shaman tried to flee, but the witch stayed her with magic, and brought her close, until they were almost completely face to face. Fomoria stroked the woman's hair as her captive trembled and cried.

"Such beauty. Such... Potential."

Nails like blades extended from her hands and she ran the woman through, held her up, and bled her until she drew her final breath. Then she dropped her before the Shaman who did not show emotion, but felt it.


The Shaman said nothing, but looked directly into Fomoria's eyes.

"Nothing to say, Shaman?"

"Nothing other than you are a disgrace to your kind..."

Fomoria reacted like nobody had ever spoken to her like that. For a moment, there was only the sound of the wind.

Jarla cracked a smile, watching the ancient menace's eyes flutter and scan for an answer. She was floundering, and it was a glorious last sight.

In a flash, the blades extended again. Jarla's smile did not fade, knowing that in the end she had given her people a chance. The blades carved open her torso as she died. The shock kept her from feeling the pain.

The witch's mouth morphed into something unnatural. To that of a beast, sailva dripping from jagged teeth. The teeth tore into the shaman's flesh and devoured her. Taking her blood. 

Stealing her essence.


There were more visitors at the gate at daybreak.

Captain Caladin addressed them from the wall. Rayla was with him.

"Who are you? What do you want?!"

A male Nemedian rode forward. He looked tired, like the rest. "We come from the Rhineland! We are seeking shelter!"

"How many of you are there?" Ronson asked.

"We are seventy-five strong. We have children with us, but most of us can fight."

"They may know more of what's going on," Rayla whispered to Ronson.

The captain agreed, and the gate opened once the order was given. Their army was growing, but all they knew of their enemy was that they would soon be upon them.

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