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A week passed of silence before Dante messaged her to come with him on another trip down to Jubilee Lane. However this time, he told her where they were going. Still no explanation as to why, but Josephine appreciated the improvement. Though the options he gave her for who would have the luxury task in escorting her left her frowning.

In the end, she chose both of the options available. It was strange to see Beatriz in something other than her school uniform, similarly to see her on the weekend at all. An overly large red jacket hung off her shoulders that revealed a tightly laced black choker around her neck. For once, she had let her hair loose. Thick curls from her afro fluffed in every direction it could, softening her sharp features.

Josephine felt that same sense of unfamiliarity with her half-brother, Houston, who sported a linen shirt and jeans with enough holes in them to bypass the heat. Around his neck hung a thin gold chain, right as he adjusted its length underneath the shade of an overly large umbrella. He nodded to passerby with an all-to-familiar stare that left them scurrying. Josephine sighed.

Dante was late. They had been munching on fresh fruit bowls drizzled with honey, per Houston's request, while they waited for him to arrive. Neither knew why the lateness, and Josephine didn't feel as though she knew Dante enough to ask. So they all perched underneath an umbrella, unable to stand constant sunshine, and enjoyed the streets.

Josephine herself had chosen a thin white shirt underneath a satin slip the color of ripe peaches. To match, she put her thickest hoops and plenty of bracelets. Not the kind Camillo had gifted her, but her own.

She fanned herself in the heat, eyeing Houston who's own brow bore sweat. Not even the light material on her skin was thin enough to pass by. A month ago she had been wearing boots, these streets cold and unfamiliar. Now no she paid it no heed.

As time passed the weather had been warming, and so was her relationship with everyone. Beatriz's hostility had seemed to dull and Houston was now more tolerable. The threats ended long ago and she was relieved to hold a conversation without it turning sour. In fact, she was having one right now.

"So, wait," Josephine swallowed a piece of kiwi. God, Houston had been right to eat this in the heat. The coolness of the fruit left her cheeks flushed. "When did they even get together?"

Houston groaned. "Not this again."

Josephine examined her nails. "Viola seems like the type of girl who cries when she gets the flu shot. There's no way in hell she made the first move." It seemed so far-fetched, but on the other hand... "Dante must've got sick of wallowing in his self-pity."

Beatriz narrowed her gaze. "Don't talk down about him like that. He's not that bad."

Josephine said, "He's like talking to a brick wall." Then added, "Except a brick wall doesn't insult you in the process."

"She's got a point." Houston shrugged, and she could've sworn he hid a smile.

"Why does he even like Viola?" Josephine wondered, the idea of Dante being together with someone at all foreign. And highly, unlikely. But men like her father were married, so surely he too could be swayed.

Houston took another bit of his own cup of fruit, then gagged. He didn't like kiwi. "He likes Viola because she doesn't have to be cruel to get what she wants. Dante does."

Beatriz turned, no mercy in her voice. "Or maybe it's the fact that she's nice."

Josephine pouted. "I can be nice."

Beatriz rolled her eyes. "Please."

"Now, now, now, let's not be too hasty." Houston slapped their knees, drawing them all closer. He gestured to Josephine. "She can prove herself. So let's hear it: one compliment. Let's see how you do." Houston leaned towards her, the curve of his lips serpentine. "Come on now. Choose: Me or Beatriz.

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