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Midday ran through its schedule like a clock does ticking throughout the hours. The students had tried weedling out of their schoolwork like usual and though bizarre, Josephine sat firmly in each class droning the lectures. Mother had been strict with her wording, and she hadn't the gaul to oppose. She peeled her eyes awake with the remembrance of the reward she'd inherit. Father's approval, Mother's gratitude, and an inheritance of gold so large she needn't work a day in her life. The dream was blissful. So serene she found herself drifting towards that future, her lust after it all, but there were other issues that kept her grounded. Things that required her attending to.

Lexi had already begun sweeping the students and rounding information on her matchmaking set Luca. The color of his eyes, the image of winter melting into spring at the sound of his laugh, the gaelic tint of reddish hair though of cuban heritage. All important, and transparent things. Though Josephine was precautious with her planning, as Lexi had already begun moving in the direction she wanted, she weeded out a rumor about Camillo just for safe measure. If Lexi was going to avoid one thing like the plague, she needed it to be Camillo. Josephine's choice of words were, well, damaging to his reputation. However, it was sure to leave him lonely and Lexi-less.

Unlike weeks prior, she decided to walk to Jubilee Lane. She hadn't discarded her uniform, there was no use when she would end up returning to class, and instead tagged along with the infamous duo, Dante and Beatriz. Like she, they hadn't changed out of their clothing and stuck to the rugged school's fabrics.

She shifted closer to the obvious attempt to exclude her from their formation. Now bathing in sunlight, the streets were much more vivid and full of color. "This place reeks of smoke." Josephine grumped.

"Not as bad as your perfume," Beatriz chided, and Josephine didn't have enough energy to retort. The classes had drained her high and dry.

She trailed after them like a duckling. "Do you two always come here during your lunch break?"

It could have been possible. They had an hour, after all. Most students swept themselves onto the streets, pouring over nearby cafes and gastly food trucks to devour whatever the cafetoria couldn't offer. Unlike the slew of the student body, Josephine and her friends gorged themselves on homemade cooked meals. Hers were specially made by the head chef of her household, much to the envy of her teammate's grub.

Jubilee Lane wasn't far, but it did cut their break a few minutes time shorter than normal just by walking. However, hours spent in the dim classrooms made the sun feel warm on her skin, her limbs loosening a bit. Beatriz, in contrast, seemed too hawkish and straight, alerted with the now booming company in the streets.

"Is there a point to your question or are you trying to fill in the silence?" Dante said.

Discontent made Josephine bat a slow eye. She knew he'd be prickly, but this much would ruin their outing. Besides, a question or two wasn't too horrible and all that was to come was a tour from Camillo. No brooding alleyways or crime scenes, and she wouldn't mention anything this time. The least he could do was reply.

Josephine licked her lips. "So, are you going to answer me or stay silent?"

Beatriz didn't smile. "Even if you wanted to come here, the majority of people only speak Spanish."

Josephine watched the streets, now full of vendors and children. "How is that going to stop me?"

"You don't speak Spanish."

"My lessons are going swimmingly, thank you." Josephine snapped her head, looking at the shop signs and trying to spell out the words. She could read a few. Perfect. For the longer, foreign phrases she took them letter by letter, finding any connection to that of French, until...

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